Crazy Prepared: Batman actually prepared a protocol for if he had to fight the Justice Replica Celine Bags League in Gotham, and has a warsuit designed to fight all of them (including Green Lantern, who was no longer a member of the Justice League at the time, albeit with the use of his lessened weakness to yellow), and does a decent job explaining how it can do so. He even carries around a pellet of «Kryptonite gum» in the suit which he uses to disable Superman. Joker gets this for his extremely intricate plans on how to infect each of the Justice League with Joker Venom. Each is specially built. Darker and Edgier: The Joker; he’s decided to finish Gotham once and for all, and he’s even wearing the sort of suit you’d see at a funeral. Dark Messiah: The Joker claims to have been this along, and in fact, as his alter ego of Eric Border, outright says «I wanted to help Gotham.» He plays the role of a Nietzsche Wannabe, asserting that life is miserable and meaningless, and the only true joy comes with death. His Dia de los Muertos like parade hammers the point home. (Eventually, however, he’s revealed to be a hypocrite: he indeed values life, and just wants to murder everyone else out of spite.) Determinator: Batman, as per usual, but Issue 40 really hammers this in. In the final battle with the the Joker, he gets two knives shoved straight through him, his back sliced open, half his face burned, and a joker card through his eye, but still keeps on fighting. Joker: Hee heee! Look at him! He keeps coming! Against all odds! Even though it’s futile! That’s our boy!

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Cheap Celine Bags Shows up in Uncharted 2: Among Thieves with a red dot sight. It’s more accurate but less powerful than the AK 47, and more powerful but less accurate than the M4. It also holds 30 rounds in a 20 round magazine and fires in three round bursts, even though the real FAL lacks a burst fire mode. The third game corrects this and makes the FAL semi auto only, though it also restricts the weapon to multiplayer (except in the HD remaster in the PS4’s Nathan Drake Collection, which adds a cheat to use it in singleplayer). The Romat appears in Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End, working exactly like the Among Thieves weapon, including the red dot sight, the incorrect three round bursts, and even being incorrectly referred to as the original FAL Cheap Celine Bags.