madeneseri u

My ONLY reason (and this is 1000% the motherfucking truth) for ever selling XRP was to day trade for a short period and then BUY BACK in, ie. increase my stack of XRP as I watched opportunity after opportunity missed that could have easily increased my stack significantly whilst XRP was only going DOWN. I didn sell because I thought XRP was and never going anywhere.

Canada Goose Jackets Christ I even bought a ledger nano recently so I can lock it all away once I reach my goal amount of XRP.

canada goose clearance sale Ok canada goose uk black friday secondly, yes this IS my life savings this is not just a Canada Goose Outlet couple of grand we talking canada goose uk shop about. This was money earmarked for a house deposit. A house deposit that was never going to be enough because I live in a country with some of the most expensive housing in the world. Hence my «investment» in crypto I saw buy canada goose jacket cheap an opportunity. Yes Canada Goose sale it was Canada Goose Coats On Sale a gamble and still is, but realistically it the only way for me personally canada goose store to ever get the sort of $$ that I will need for a decent house deposit in this country where an average home sells for $500k $1M and you pretty much need a 6 figure income (which I do not have)

Canada Goose Outlet No I did not lose any money, I am still up from my original canadian goose jacket buy in in December, but not by much in today $ terms. Which is probably the only positive in this whole 4 month rollercoaster.

buy canada goose jacket And for all of you moon boys who have just jumped on the bandwagon and are giving me shit. bro, I been there. I drunk the cool aid too when it was pumping in December. I was there when it was 1500 satoshis and watched it closely. buy canada goose jacket Bought in under 3,000 sat. I watched it hit 24,000 satoshis and refused to sell even though that was 8x my canada goose coats investment at the time. Then I watched it dip to 20k canada goose factory sale and canada goose clearance sale thought oh I am sure canada goose clearance it will recover. Then it dipped to 16k. and we all thought surely this is the bottom. Then it went to 14k. and I was certain the correction was over. Then I watched uk canada goose it together with many other people in here break through every single bloody support level and just keep going DOWN. Until you seen your investment drop 75%+ while you stand idly by and miss other opportunities, please don talk shit.

Canada Goose online Yes I timed it wrong and fucked up bad. But please don sit there and preach to me about Ripple and how it the only thing that ever going to go up. And only up. I get it, the volume right now is insane and it has pumped 50% in the last couple of weeks. But just as you watching it rise at an insane pace, I watched it dip and take out every support level over the past 3 months so please spare me the lectures how XRP is the only thing in crypto.

canada goose Against my own judgement, I am back in it with half my original Canada Goose Online stack. but only for the pump. I still canada goose uk outlet vividly recall what happened last time the volume was at $2.2B so I am just hoping for a quick profit at this point and then I out. I will jump back in with both feet ie. long term hold, if and only if I somehow manage to reach my BTC target that would allow me to buy the amount of XRP that I originally aimed for, when I sold it to day trade (and increase my stack).

canada goose coats on sale With that said, I am IN. at least for a little while but I will be watching it very closely and have a target in mind. So fair, warning expect a massive dip/correction now that canada goose coats I back in lol.

cheap Canada Goose And I probably going to be crucified for this. but be warned, BTC price is being manipulated to extreme levels.

This recovery may not even be a recovery at all but a bull trap. If you watched the BTC trades and what been happening with the shorts getting liquidated on a scale never seen before and the unnatural price jumps, you cheap canada goose uk know something up.

madeneseri 1 points submitted 12 canada goose black friday sale days ago

buy canada goose jacket cheap Here a much more detailed canada goose Ripple history incl. reason 1 why XRP will sadly, never be successful:

Canada Goose Parka XRP needs to be forked with all founder coins (especially Jed XRP number 1 nemesis who hols 9 BILLION XRP) burnt. It may take Ripple years to realize it, but realize it they will. You cannot have a successful coin when your sworn enemy holds 9 billion of it and when a small group of people hold billions. It beyond obscene. I have no doubt Ripple will do well financially, but XRP won until there is a fork and massive coin burn.

madeneseri 1 point submitted 27 days ago

canada goose clearance Everything you need to know about Jed McCaleb and Joyce Kim is right here:I said it before and I say canada goose coats on sale it again (and probably get downvoted to hell) XRP will not ever achieve the success it deserves as long as this douche holds 9 BILLION XRPs and uk canada goose outlet is able to control the XRP price and dump millions every day (which is funding Stellar btw).

canada goose coats XRP needs a hard fork with original founder XRPs either burned or reduced by a factor Canada Goose online of 1000x.

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canada goose black friday sale obeythewafflehouse 7 points submitted 29 days ago

I don have an account with XRPchat, but everyone assumes the 1.06 bill is coming from J. How do we know it not Brad, Chris, or early on Ripple Exec selling off a portion to easy their position due to the recently scrutiny? They might have their XRP spread through multiple wallets, and it might Canada Goose Jackets be that wallet we are looking at.

Edit: I know holding XRP is like holding shares in a company, but having a concentration of XRP holding in a few hands makes me uncomfortable as an average investor.

Canada Goose sale madeneseri 1 point submitted 29 days ago

canada goose store Of course it Jed. He been financing stellar by messing with xrp price for years. Just look at what happened with the FCK/You volumes last year. It actually pumped the price that time because he wanted to sell more of Canada Goose Parka his Xrp and was limited by volume.