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For just an year, I think these are pretty great accomplishments. She did produce new merch this year which was sold at DragCon, although it’s not available at her website as far as I know (give her some time canadagoose-online-shop , she went from WtW to DragCon to preparation for AS4, then AS4, and has recently returned lol). The old flowery t shirt and some prints are available though. And I don’t think anyone is painting her as another Trixie/Alaska from what I’ve seen, though there may canada goose outlet mall be some of them. They’re just excited for their fave like you all are for your respective faves. We still probably have an year until AS4 airs so let’s see what she has in store for us. For Vogue, she was the first one of the ru girls doing a Makeup tutorial, Vogue YT Channel is know for that, Rihanna made one months ago and went viral, only Aquaria and Val had made tutorials canada goose outlet london for Vogue. But Valentinas video canada goose jacket outlet uk tutorial has at the moment around 3.8 Millions of views, 46th most viewed video from Vogue Channel.

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