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The Creation of the House of Mustelidae in the Regional Park of Estienne d’Orves in Nice, Premier Zoo Community Behavioralist community dedicated to the French Fauna to lead by handicapped workers Animal Behavioralists
So we will see in the Future who will have the courage to follow me through proget spread over 30 years in the region I come back on the Period of these 3 years because to have an Anorecia Mental following abuse on an infant should not be made because it leads to real deficiencies never indéniser the sudden the victims live and this suicide because they drown, who will do what Bastian actually for me even though he’s a Victim like me who did not have the right to justice because worse is my case, not to disrespect him because I was in the hands of the functions Public, Mr President, a victim, a soul who dies who dares to rebel against, this nonsense that reigns in France, the Victims never have a fair justice, not fair to the victim but these defendants so here’s his gives someone one believes more at all each party because who caresmore of Replica Handbags the French disabled who has stolen everything even his dignity to exist you are even worse than our accused because the boat takes water from all sides so what are you going to do? to support an unprecedented march in France far from the stupidity of our politicians who watch the boat drowning without doing any action that moves the country forward but drowning it in a clever bullshit that will sting you to the face someday or when I write, I see that I am normal just a Disabled & Victim! not a depressive one, but a man who has been denied the most precious rights as a living person when you see a child without Soul, you really understand who I really am, you are ready for the adventure the Friends of the atrocities of birth, the rejection of a mother, she even untreated victim who engendered the words of a French family incesteuse over 3 generations, I find it of pure stupidity, then who will have the courage that I do today of you count my story before dying because that’s what will happen to me later because it’s 34 years old my body is exhausted, I would write the future but I would not be the builder but his sweet Then everyone in you rock towards your material comfort open your hand to a victim around you who will have the Bastian’s neck against me because I hate my situation because of the human stupidity that reigns in France that is only increasing!
So who will have the time to go against our government right / Left confused but the 6 th Republic will be born of human stupidity, here I am remind you to your respective obligations on cases as terrible of our news that you have made still more absurd when I live at 450 euros per month at the RSA a victim who lives for free at another victim who has not had justice worse these defendants live the good life when he is 44 years of integral prosthesis hip right and left, that’s what awaits me but younger itgenerosity and curiosity by nature to animal science The anger I had, when I was a child, was only a reflection of the malaise and maltreatment that reign in this family and social services to really intervene to get to This medico-social-judicial masquerade of the Dass because it is the sad reality that happens on these children flayed alive going to the uncertain future and abandoned of often of all except for the host families see their young person flying away without security filer, from the beginning to the end of my placement the Dass really failed in his public social work and see this misery endure in time to the gift of irritating me seriously because you will see all that teaches me the French state whereas in front of them they have a genius of the nature, the fauna, the agriculture and the medical medicine Animal that flouts until the poisoning with a vaccine the Révasix for the DTpolio!!! br> What I am remember this arrival on Nice was icy, destabilizing without lair, the flight to the unknown that will be our future, for my part I saw engraving the ladders in a Zoological Park or a natural reserve thing that there is on East- what I had only one chance to prove myself No, it is for his that I want Estiennes d’Orves the Regional Park to show you the true knowledge of Nature, the true Nature in the Pure state, respect between man and Nature, I am the living proof but also the living proof of the failure of the French government since it is 30 years past years only accumulated blows on their peoples who die Hunger, which is afraid of the next day, who has thought about whether there will be a future for their children, how much the man is lost of way, it is the Victims who come to their people to show them the way but can listen to us often mocked, wrote down but his forever was there in me, I just go against it at 34 thenI’m dying in a shabby apartment, I would not lower myself to auction games, just tell the real truth, not the one that the Dass wanted to turn quickly to his advantage to protect himself from his blunder!!!
This is the biggest blunder of the Dass of these last 30 years to decide that these little brothers of future will be able to have better luck on the part of the public services of the French state because it is him the the biggest culprit in the situation because he was lax about the family situation of a French family trying to move towards a future insertain because each of them had the same dream but loved a Pure love that is quickly gone to oblivion with my Mother because my family is the after World War II, the end is really happening, what choice will make the man?, the future will tell us after the publication of this I have so much tortured the spirit of their fault at all, that my name change will be the beginning of my new real legal life because at today’s day I have the impression of being a clandestine marginalized by his country then who have a little genius of nature that they stop not flouting his path to his future he has to decide, his heart cries to the east strong, I want my thesis on the mustelids Europeans because I count well in the near future, continue what I started with my mustelids at home in the park of Estienne d’Orves on the Villa Bellevue transform into University of the righteous to allow the Children of the Dass Death, committed suicide or destruction at the beginning of a trotory because at the Base these children are Pure innocence becoming Martyrdom by the hand of man and becoming divine because he prefers to rebuild that which was destroyed than to flee by cowardice, here is the true strength of these children if o They are lucky because this is what cruelly defaults our individualistic society, I am plural and I will remain so until the end of my life.
You know why, I find more humanity chez the quick-skinned of life who did not spare them but at any cost advance towards the future really a certain but I am no longer alone, I found my half on the road that allowed me to move forward and hold up To all these children of the Dass was more than my real family who tortured me and now that the bolt to jump believe me alive, never again such a situation will have to happen again in the future because its just demonstrates the poverty of the man who expresses himself because they are led by blind donkeys.
It’s Bastian who gave me this strength that I had before, I was often using and then throw that’s how it is to pass my childhood, I can not blame myself for rejecting my family name because I always extended my hand to help but my family decided differently each time because the human fear of the frenzy of the other if it is sincere or I realize that I am truly unique because I will do justice to my brothers and sisters ur because that’s what they are really in my eyes, are all those who have crossed the road of Mr Delas Nicolas who was a caterpillar when they have seen him often said he will not get there often said Perdant, his to give the rage to succeed because unlike my comrades I have a quit that is bored to death if he is not to feed and I hold no place, very creative, it comes if I leave the reasoning of Ying and Yong, who are they? It is the Spirit and the Heart that resonates with the unissent to show the way to Here is how Atlas Eneil was born Jean-Baptiste Bastian because unlike our elected officials who have nothing to do with these fellow French because I I am the most beautiful French victim created by our elected officials They are ready to scorn a handicapped person for 34 years of his life, and if it was your Child who would be touching like that was poor boy Delas Nicolas Michel François who breathed generosity and spontaneous help without waiting for anything, sometimes his help was rewardedby a reward of the person to help but Nicholas did not run behind his, he was running after the Friendship because he bore very badly solitude, that’s what he did on earth, and did he win sometimes sincere friendships to fulfill the dreams of his friends, he forgot his own person because Delas Nicolas was only his throughout his life, helping others like his father did to forget those own boys who turned him the Back, he never represent the identity of the fighting father but that of the passive who suffered without saying anything as did Nicolas at the beginning but at 7 years his innocence was stolen by his big brother protector Luxure how he could at so much to change during these 7 years as did Anger and To get to the 7 curse of Gacha Doll and also be the Daddy and Mom for your little brother and your little sister to protect them from your big brother who originated this incestual suffering because everything starts from ui because Gluttony and Anger have suffered but not reproduced themselves, we have been given no chance to Gluttony and Anger because the 2 are Asperger’s Autist whom their family has tortured and then throw away for me because Anger will always be frank and direct, is it a wrong I do not think, it is necessary to always go after your convictions tells me my My Youtube account of my Animal Work Animal Healer and Behaviorist

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