Put on a Bus: Blue Suede Goo, Helga, Ickybod Clay, Taffy and Bonker were unavailable in the 2nd game. N. Boss also disappears, as the final boss of Clayfighter 2 is your character’s evil twin. Octo, Kangoo, Nana Man, Googoo, and the evil twins disappear after Clayfighter 2, with Tiny from the first Clayfighter joining Blue Suede Goo and Helga on that bus. The Bus Came Back: For Taffy, Ickybod Clay and Bonker in 63 Role Reprisal: The Nintendo 64 game has Dan Castellaneta reprise his role as Earthworm Jim from the animated series. C2: The evil twins can be played by entering button pressing codes. (Beating the game gives you the code to unlock the boss you just fought, but there’s also a code to unlock all eight of them at once, gotten by beating the game on the hardest difficulty) 63 Boogerman, Dr. Kiln and Sumo Santa by entering button codes. Sculptor’s Cut: Earthworm Jim and Boogerman by beating the game. High Five by a code. Series Mascot: Bad Mr. Frosty, having appeared on the cover art for every game thus far and prominently featured in advertising. Shapeshifter Weapon: The Blob. Bad Mr. Frosty and Taffy also can convert their own body parts into weapons. Dr. Kiln’s prosthetic hand is able to transform into dangerous weapons. Shout Out: Helga’s Hard mode ending from the first game tells the player she once was married to Olaf the Stout, one of The Lost Vikings, and left him for Tiny the wrestler. Mortal Kombat’s fatalities, Street Fighter III’s parries, Vampire Savior’s general gameplay system, and Killer Instinct’s combos system in 63 (you can even do combo breakers in the game). Also, this inscription on 63 back cover:WARNING: Contains No Bloody Carnage or Fighters Named «Ryu» or «Ken».

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