Quick Recap of the Current Space DPS Meta

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With that in mind, just know that CRF is crazy fun, and most of the hate out there for it is due to it ruining ISA DPS runs because it simply too powerful for advanced content. Is perfectly balanced vs other options in Elite.

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Engine wise, the Competitive Rep engines are very good due to having a built in mini evasive that triggers when you hit certain abilities. There versions here that trigger off of drain/ control, weapon enhancements (like FAW/CSV/etc), and heals. I recommend going for the heals version, as that will give you more control of when it active.

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The Terran Rep Set Disruptor DHC/ Beam is still best in slot on most builds. It unique ability is a scaling damage buff that scales as your target HP lowers. Almost every energy weapon build should be running this. In tests I done, it so powerful that it canada goose outlet online uk can even be worth slotting on builds where no tac consoles are buffing it. (Tested it with a full phaser setup on the NX, was only 500 DPS behind the Prolonged Phaser.)

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