Teens with ADHD at risk behind the wheel

By Alison McCook NEW YORK (Reuters Health) Teenaged boys are more likely than any other drivers to have car accidents, and a diagnosis of attention deficit uk canada goose hyperactivity disorder Canada Goose Online (ADHD) increases their risk even further, a new study finds.

Looking canada goose coats on sale at more than 3,000 teenaged boys who had been in car accidents, a group of Canadian researchers found those who had been diagnosed with various forms Canada Goose Coats On Sale of ADHD were more than a third likelier to be involved in a car accident canada goose uk outlet than teenaged boys without ADHD.

teenagers with ADHD brought cheap canada goose uk their risk down to that of normal teens without ADHD, that might have prevented about 1 in every 20 crashes we cheap Canada Goose observed in buy canada goose jacket our study, Dr. Donald Redelmeier at the University of Toronto told Reuters Health.

The key element here is probably Redelmeier said in an interview. People with ADHD often struggle to maintain focus and one lapse can have a major impact canada goose coats behind the wheel, he said. couple moments of inattention can really change your life forever.

Reporting Canada Goose Parka in canada goose the uk canada goose outlet journal PLoS canada goose uk shop Medicine, he and his colleagues also found that teens with ADHD were canada goose factory sale more likely Canada Goose Jackets to get injured in accidents even if they were pedestrians. Here, too, distraction probably plays a buy canada goose jacket cheap role, Redelmeier said, perhaps if teens step into oncoming traffic without paying attention.

Other distractions canada goose black friday sale such as talking on the phone and texting have been shown to increase the risk of accidents.

To investigate whether internal distractions from a canadian goose jacket hyperactive brain also had an effect, the researchers reviewed medical records on 3421 teenaged boys hospitalized following car accidents (whether or not the teens were homesite at fault), and compared their health history canadagoosejacketca to 3812 boys admitted canada goose clearance sale to have their appendix removed, serving as controls.

The team found that 22 percent of the teens in accidents had been diagnosed with a form of ADHD, versus only 17 percent of controls. Boys with ADHD were 37 percent more likely to be in an accident, relative to boys without the diagnosis.

The same trend was canada goose uk black friday equally present Canada Goose Outlet in teenaged girls. Teenaged boys are already more likely than any other group to have accidents and having ADHD is not canada goose clearance as risky as, for instance, drinking alcohol while driving, Redelmeier canada goose store noted. Although many of the included teens were presumably being treated for their ADHD, the treatment itself is probably not at fault, Redelmeier noted other research that tested driving ability in a Canada Goose sale simulated condition has found that people with ADHD taking medication were better behind the wheel, not worse, he said.

The most important steps teenagers (particularly those with ADHD) can take to stay safe behind the Canada Goose online wheel include avoiding speeding as well as alcohol, minimizing distractions, using a seatbelt, keeping a safe distance from other cars and obeying doctor orders, Redelmeier said. Of course, parents can prevent their teenagers with ADHD from driving, but it makes sense to take extra precautions in this group, the researcher suggested. we suggesting is they add one more medical condition onto that already existing list of conditions, Redelmeier said.