You who smile with the stars and breathe dreams; you, who under the gems hide the twin galaxies of the Milky Way; you who hear my beatings of heart even from the other end of the universe; you, the spell of love that you have gathered the passion of passion between two reddened lips, you are for me a sambur of light with a name, a voice and a look, which I have set in my heart to grow it and stay with him until the end of his life Some things are too wonderful to be able to make words for them, yet God did a miracle for you and gave you a name:…….! I will leave my heart in my palm as whenever you will find your destiny to see there the greatest wealth and happiness on your name would be adorned wonderfully in so many poems, your face could have shone fairly painted but my fate has given you only me and at the altar of your heart I want to worship myself!

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Interface: Interface Fire

One structure has been destroyed by fire

Evacuation alert

More information

A full of fire fighters shift are on duty now

This wildfire is now in control

The wildfire is being held

very little growth over night

. BC Wildfire Service ground crews and air support are currently working on continuing to strengthen and establish containment around the perimeter of this
The Fire is on the other side of the ridge


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Replica Bags What’s OnTesco to scrap 5p carrier bags in favour of more expensive ‘bags for life’ from this monthThe supermarket chain says the move will help the environment by reducing litter and cutting the number of bags sent to landfill07:00, 8 AUG 2017Updated07:10, 8 AUG 2017What’s OnA Tesco plastic bag (Image: PA) Get what’s on updates directly to your inbox+ SubscribeThank you for subscribing!Could not subscribe, try again laterInvalid EmailTesco will stop selling single use 5p plastic bags in its stores, replacing them with «bags for life» to be offered at double the price.All of the supermarket’s 3,500 UK stores will axe the 5p carriers from August 28, in favour of new 10p bags, the Mirror reports.Online shoppers will still be able to buy bags for single use.Tesco said, despite the Government clamping down on free single use bags in 2015, it still sells 700 million 5p bags a year.Like the cheaper version, sales of the new bag will fund community projects in schools, GP practices and local football clubs across the UK, the grocery chain said.So I won’t be able to buy a 5p bag at Tesco? Nope. Replica Bags

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