Travelling for two: Advice for pregnant holiday makersDragging bags through an airport and long car rides are not the most memorable aspects of anyone’s holiday and if you already happen to be carrying a little extra baggage because you’re pregnant, those memories may be all you will remember unless you plan your trip well.Experts say pregnant women need not be deterred from travelling.For those intending to fly, the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) says if you have a straightforward pregnancy and are healthy, there is no evidence that the changes in air pressure or the decrease in humidity will have a harmful effect on you or your baby.Also, although anyone who flies is exposed to a slight increase in radiation, occasional flights are not considered a risk either.Experts at the RCOG say the safest time to fly is before 37 weeks if you are carrying 1 baby and before 32 weeks if you have an uncomplicated twin pregnancy.Most airlines do not allow women to fly after 37 weeks and it may also be more difficult to get travel insurance from this time.When travelling by boat, ferry companies have their own rules and may refuse women who are more than 32 weeks pregnant.

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