It’s KnockOff Handbags Hard Being Sarah Lucas

facebook dialogPinterestSarah Lucas, Fighting Fire with Fire,Copyright the artist, Designer Replica Bags courtesy Sadie Coles HQ, London“SITUATION Absolute Beach Man Rubble,” Sarah Wholesale Replica Bags Lucas’s first big UK survey, on view through December 15 at Whitechapel Gallery in replica handbags online London, is hard in every sense: the jokes are bawdy, laughter harsh and the genitalia Replica Bags Wholesale as obstreperous as an Handbags homesite Replica upright cucumber, a shriveled cigarette, neon tubes, buckets, a lamb kebab, high quality replica handbags two fried eggs, melons and whatever other mean and dumb sexual puns this fierce artist confronts wholesale replica designer handbags us with.The works jostling for attention in the gallery’s crowded downstairs space were mostly created during the grungy YBA heyday in the 1990s. This was when Lucas set up her East End London shop with fellow “bad purse replica handbags girl” Tracey Emin and aaa replica designer handbags shocked the art establishment with sculptures like “Bitch,” a bare table adorned with melons and a kipper that took misogyny head-on. There are lists replica handbags china of rude words, dirty mattresses and hunks of raw meat. You can practically smell the hangover in a sculpture like “Donkey-Kong-Diddle-Eye,” a cheap faux leather sofa with a cushion Replica Handbags pierced by a neon rod, in a tragicomic echo of a four in the morning fumble. The gloom of next day’s self-reflection hangs in replica Purse the air. Indeed, for all the coarse humor, Lucas’s is a soul-searching and melancholy take on the human condition: an attitude summed up in another photo of the young artist, this time perched pensively on the toilet.Lest things get cheap replica handbags too maudlin, Lucas shakes them up with a bloody chamber to rival Designer Fake Bags Blue Beard’s. In the second gallery, wrapped in red wallpaper, crotch shots Fake Handbags capture a naked man posing provocatively with an exploding beer can, a strip of steak and—a nod to the British love of a cuppa—two biscuits and a milk bottle.Six years ago Lucas ditched London for the Suffolk countryside and the final room of the exhibition, which features works created in her big-skied rural retreat, is a Replica Designer Handbags total contrast. In this light, airy gallery are giant bone-white phalluses that might be ancient fertility gods’ members, unearthed from Stone Age soil, or Barbara Hepworth’s subconscious. The presiding deity though is “Nice Tits,” concrete thigh high boots topped with a bouquet of breasts made from stuffed tights: a dominatrix earth mother as triumphant as she is scary.XPhotos: It’s Hard Being Sarah Replica Bags LucasSlide 1 of 4FBSharePinterestFBSharePinterestFBSharePinterestFBSharePinterestPreviousNext1/4ToggleSarah Lucas, Fighting Fire with Fire,Copyright the artist, courtesy Sadie Coles HQ, LondonFull Screen Fake Designer Bags.