How to Obtain Italian Citizenship

moncler uomo There are several reasons you may be considering moncler saldi outlet obtaining Italian citizenship. Whether you’re planning for retirement, marrying an Italian, relocating to Italy for work, or just dreaming of living in this beautiful country, you may have found that there is not much information (available in English) on the rules and regulations regarding becoming an Italian citizen. moncler uomo

outlet moncler Not only is there very little information on the subject, but much of what is available can be confusing. Because of this, I’ve decided to put together this guide in order to outline the processes involved. outlet moncler

Every situation piumini moncler is unique, and when you go ahead and apply for citizenship you may find that the process that you go through may be different than «standard procedure.» If this happens, leave a comment sharing your experience.

piumini moncler uomo Italian Citizenship RequirementsThere are many requirements that must be met to become a citizen of Italy. Some piumini moncler outlet requirements are easier to meet moncler donna than others and some are things that can’t be helped such as where you were born. piumini moncler uomo

moncler saldi outlet If you don’t meet 100% of the requirements but piumini moncler saldi are still interested in becoming moncler saldi uomo a citizen of Italy, go ahead and give it a try. Like I said, these are just guidelines that are followed by the Italian government, but not necessarily the final word. moncler saldi outlet

piumini moncler outlet Italian citizenship can automatically be obtained if: piumini moncler outlet

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piumini moncler scontatissimi If you were born in Italy to non Italian parents and have lived in Italy from birth to adulthood. piumini moncler scontatissimi

moncler saldi You will have to obtain Italian citizenship through naturalization (you’ll have to go through the citizenship process) if: moncler saldi

You are married to an Italian citizen and you have lived in Italy for at least two years.

moncler saldi uomo You moncler outlet trebaseleghe are married to an Italian citizen and have been married at least three years (this is if you haven’t been living in Italy.) moncler saldi uomo

moncler outlet serravalle You have legally resided in Italy for at least 10 years, have no criminal record, and have financial resources in order to support yourself (this can be income through work or money set aside.) moncler outlet serravalle

moncler outlet online shop What You’ll Need moncler outlet online uomo for moncler outlet serravalle the Naturalization ProcessThere are a variety of things you’ll need to Homepage moncler outlet do in order to get the ball rolling. There are some things in this list that may not pertain to you, so if you have a question about moncler saldi a particular item, feel free to leave a comment. moncler outlet online shop

A completed application

moncler bambino saldi If one or more of your ancestors were Italian, you’ll need to turn moncler outlet in a sworn affidavit saying you’ve moncler outlet online shop never renounced your right to Italian citizenship. moncler bambino saldi

Proof that you’ve resided in Italy for the required amount of time.

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moncler outlet online uomo If you are claiming Italian citizenship and have an Italian ancestor you will need your parents’ marriage certificate and piumini moncler scontatissimi each of their birth certificates translated into Italian (if your parents were married.) If either of your parents came from Italy, you outlet moncler can stop here. If not, you’ll need your grandparents’ birth certificates included (and so on until you get to the ancestor that came from Italy.) moncler outlet online uomo

moncler bambino outlet Death certifications, translated into Italian, will be needed for any deceased ancestors under which you are applying for citizenship. moncler bambino outlet

moncler outlet trebaseleghe This sounds like a hefty load of requirements, but compared to the citizenship process in other countries, these requirements are fairly lax. It’s also important to note that Italy allows for dual citizenship. So don’t worry about any possibility of losing your US citizenship because of becoming a citizen of Italy. moncler outlet trebaseleghe

piumini moncler saldi Remember, however scary and long the process may be, it’s worth it! Italy is a beautiful country and there are many benefits to not only living in Italy but also being a naturalized citizen.5 moncler bambino outlet years ago piumini moncler saldi

In regards to the process, I have read that all documents you submit, as well as being translated into Italian, need to have apostilles. Is this true? The apostille process confuses me, since, while I can get it from the Secretary of State, there is some rule that the apostille can only be granted if the official documents one is presenting is signed by a govt. or civil official moncler uomo from that state. So, if one is presenting a birth certificate or marriage license from Louisiana to the Sec. moncler bambino saldi of State in Indiana, they won’t affix an apostille? I’m trying to do piumini moncler uomo as much of this is possible on my own, since services charge a lot of money to provide these services, but it is very complex! Thanks.5 years ago.