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Replica Designer Handbags In 1993, he fled the oil rich North African country after he was accused of helping Islamists by tipping them off before police raids.He denied having ties to any of Libya militant groups, including the Libya Islamic Fighting Group, which was linked to al nonsense, he commented, adding that under Gadhafi, who went to a mosque raised question marks.In 2011, Abedi returned to Libya during the mass uprising that descended into a civil war and ended with Gadhafi ouster and death. Libya has since sank into lawlessness, with rebels turning into militias and undermining successive transitional governments. Custody in 2015.Al Libi was on the FBI most wanted terrorist list and was accused of having links to the 1998 bombings of two American embassies in Africa.Even though the senior Abedi denied that he was a member of the Libyan Islamic Fighting group, former Libyan security official Abdel Basit Haroun told the AP on Wednesday that the elder Abedi was a member in the 1990s of the group, which had links to al Qaida.Although the LIFG disbanded, Haroun says the father belongs to the Salafi Jihadi movement, the most extreme sect of Salafism and from which al Qaida and the Islamic State group both hail Replica Designer Handbags.