Masley and Bowden, there are good (smart) fats, bad (dumb) fats, and neutral fats. «Smart fats are of proven clinical benefit. They have been studied in humans in clinical trials and shown to provide real benefits,» says Dr. Conte, though, was replaced by Maurizio Sarri over the summer, and Luiz, who has since been given a new lease of life by the switch, admitted that he would have considered leaving Chelsea if the former Italy coach kept his job.’It is amazing to play football, of course last season was not the best for me inside the pitch, but also I learned a lot outside the pitch as a person, as a man,’ he told Sky Sports.’Sometimes you have to be patient, sometimes you have to take care of your body, sometimes you have to learn from outside to be good in the future.’I got time to take care of my body; many times I was on the pitch in pain, and I never refused to play one game. It was good to rest and be fresh.’If the manager had stayed the same, of course, everybody knows maybe I would have had to move clubs. Now I am here and so happy.’Luiz, who has started the season in good form for Chelsea as part of a new back four unit, is not the first Blues player to hint at problems under the previous management.Earlier this month, fellow Brazilian Willian also revealedhe would have left the club this summer had Conte stayed on as manager.The winger endured a difficult relationship with the Italian during their two years working together at Stamford Bridge.’Would I be here if Conte stayed? No chance’, he said.

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