Everyone Is Bi: There’s both subtext and outright text for both same sex and different sex attraction from a lot of characters, the protagonist included (even if the game only has het romance routes). For a bonus, both Riki and Komari either seem to be or outright are attracted to both Natsume siblings. Exact Words: One of the missions Lennon gave Riki and Rin involved curing a student named Aikawa of his love sickness towards Sasami. It got to the point where he was too distracted by her to be able to focus on his studies.

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Hermes Replica Bags Prison: McCartney’s infamous bust in 1980, when, as he and Wings were arriving in Japan on a tour, he was caught at customs with 218 grams of marijuana in his luggage. He spent ten days in jail and could have faced a seven year sentence, but the Japanese government elected to deport him. Reports of John’s reaction to the bust range from «delighted with his ex partner’s misfortune to the point where he literally danced with joy» to «furious that his friend let himself get caught and increasingly anxious as Paul was detained»; at any rate, he called to provide moral support. Protest Song: «Give Ireland Back to the Irish» «How Many People?» off of Flowers in the Dirt «Looking For Changes» from Off The Ground is a sharp one against animal lab testing. «Big Boys Bickering» takes the anger Up to Eleven. Punny Name: 1973 single «Helen Wheels». Recycled In Space: «Another Day», as described by Wings drummer Denny Seiwell, is «Eleanor Rigby IN NEW YORK CITY!» Refuge in Audacity: Despite having full knowledge that it would be banned by the BBC (which it was), «Give Ireland Back to the Irish» was released as a single by Wings. Their first single. Reports of My Death Were Greatly Exaggerated: His reaction to the «Paul Is Dead» rumors. «I wasn’t really dead.» (Paul to Chris Farley on Saturday Night Live) Hermes Replica Bags.