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Mr. Erdogan has long made it clear that he intended to run for re election he has led the country for 15 years, first as prime minister, then as president and speculation canada goose uk black friday had been rife for months that he would call elections early.

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The country also enjoyed over 7 percent growth in the last quarter of 2017. Yet there are signs that the economy is faltering. Inflation remains persistently high, which hurts many of Mr. Erdogan’s own uk canada goose outlet supporters.

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Mr. Erdogan’s announcement came after discussions with Devlet Bahceli, the leader of Turkey’s main nationalist party, the Nationalist Movement Party, which has entered a formal alliance with Mr.

Mr. Bahceli said that he supported early elections for the stability of the country and the economy. But he also seems to be concerned with fending off a rival for the nationalist vote, Meral Aksener, who split from his party and formed canada goose her own party, the Good Party, last year, according to Turkish media reports.

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Ms. Aksener, a former interior minister, has nevertheless declared her intention to challenge Mr. Erdogan for Canada Goose sale president and field candidates for Parliament.