My mission is to enlighten the average angler so he can massively multiply his catches, and not expect miracles from merely having the same mindset as the herd. What you think determine what you do in life. Change your thoughts, with new thoughts, and your actions and fishing results will improve! If you cannot beat them, join them as they say; hence my own magazine articles in Freespool magazine and Crafty Carper magazine.

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So if you lean that way, choose weights that allow you to do just 4 to 8 reps per set. But if you’re super ST, you’re geared for endurance exercise: Drop to an amount that allows you to complete 13 to 16 reps with proper form for each set. Fall around 50 50? Split the difference and go for a weight you can lift well for 8 to 12 reps.

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Other woods may require steaming. To do this, place the strips in a length of plastic water pipe. Close one end with a rag and place the other over a source of steam, such as a boiling kettle.

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One thing I agree with about the previous comment is there shouldn be any difference between the commercial and sport. Flounder should become just like the reds and trout and be off limits for the commercial (except when farmed). I have been at Corpus when giggers waded in with hundreds of flounder.

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