Bush Taps Cheney for V

canada goose cheap canada goose clearance sale DARYN KAGAN, CNN ANCHOR: George W. Bush makes it official: his choice is Dick Cheney. Bush has asked the former defense secretary to be his running mate, and Cheney canada goose uk shop has accepted. Cheney headed up the search for a Republican vice presidential candidate. In the last few days, uk canada goose though, he himself emerged as the top candidate.

canadian goose jacket BILL HEMMER, CNN ANCHOR: That’s the latest word Canada Goose Online out of Texas today. An official public announcement expected later today, 3:00 Eastern time, 2:00 local time in Texas.

Canada Goose sale Jonathan Karl broke the story an canada goose store hour ago, now joins us live with more now.

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Canada Goose Jackets Well, that 3:00 rally, canada goose clearance sale which will take place at the University of Texas Austin campus. Will be the first rally of the Bush/Cheney ticket. George W.

Canada Goose online We’re told that, right now, what Bush is doing is he is calling those on his list who did not make the cut, those who had been under consideration, who had been vetted by https://www.canadagooseonline.org none other than Dick Cheney. Also calling other senior Republicans who he feels should know, one of those being former Senator I mean, current Senator, former presidential candidate John McCain, who was, of course, Bush’s vanquished rival in the Republican primaries.

canada goose black friday sale McCain spoke canada goose coats on sale to CNN earlier this morning and had this to say about the choice of Dick Cheney as the vice presidential pick.

buy canada goose jacket cheap SEN. JOHN MCCAIN, (R), ARIZONA: I did not want the job and canadian goose jacket maintained that throughout despite speculation otherwise. I am very happy where I am. And I am very happy for Dick Cheney and Governor Bush because I think they will make a great team.

KARL Now, of course, Senator McCain had said from the start that he was not interested in the job of the vice presidency, but had suggested at one point to somebody privately that he would take it if asked. But very important for Republicans now is unity, unity behind the Bush Cheney ticket.

And one thing one measure of that unity we will see shortly after the Republican convention. George W. Bush planning to spend some time with John McCain cheap canada goose uk in Sedona, Arizona, at McCain’s ranch, canada goose factory sale McCain’s cabin there, right outside of Sedona.

HEMMER: Jonathan, here about Bush/Cheney deal, will they hit the road anytime soon? and what do we know about their travel plans after today?

buy canada goose jacket KARL: Well, the rally at 3:00 Eastern time, the first rally, then they go tomorrow to Wyoming. Details still being set in place, exactly what they’ll be doing in Wyoming.

But that’ll be the first road trip of the Bush/Cheney ticket. A day trip to Wyoming, which of course, is Dick Cheney’s home state, the state buy canada goose jacket cheap he represented in Canada Goose Coats On Sale Congress for 12 years. uk canada goose outlet The state that he Canada Goose Outlet changed his voter registration back to just on Friday.

Canada Goose Parka Then they will come back to Austin. And then on Friday Bush goes on a what’ll be canada goose a five day trip to the Republican convention in Philadelphia. We are told that for much of that trip, if not all of it, Cheney will be at his side campaigning with him.

canada goose deals HEMMER: We’ll see him there in Philly, then.

Again, live coverage planned later today. Expected rally again, in Austin, 3:00 Eastern time. We’ll be there for it when it happens, that vice presidential announcement to make it official with a capital O in this case.

canada goose store KAGAN: Well, it was all but certain, but canada goose uk outlet it wasn’t official until Dick canada goose coats Cheney got the call from George W. Bush. Cheney was at his home in canada goose black friday sale Dallas when that call came through.

And that’s where we find our Charles Zewe this morning.


Canada Goose Outlet Been very quiet here at the Cheney residence, the Highland Park area of Dallas. Mr. and Canada Goose Parka Mrs. Cheney, inside where that call cheap Canada Goose came through very early this morning. No signs of movement other than Mrs. Cheney, about an hour and a half ago, going out for coffee, a quick coffee run. She went back in, saying nothing to the large number of reporters who were gathered outside the home here in the Highland Park area.

canada goose clearance Cheney, of course, for the last five years, has been the chief executive officer of the Halliburton company, that big multinational oil fuel services company that is based here in Dallas. He had been expected, for at least a week, been telling associates at the firm that if the job was offered to him as the number two man on the GOP ticket that he would accept it, that he would likely get it and even though he was the head of the search committee, and that, of Canada Goose sale course, Canada Goose online has happened.

canada goose coats About this time yesterday Cheney emerged to pick up his own newspaper, then went off to work. Don’t know if he will do that today. Circumstances, of course, have changed a little bit. It’s about a 35 to 40 minute flight down to Austin from here.

cheap Canada Goose So the logistics of this announcement today, with Governor Bush, will take canada goose clearance over shortly. buy canada goose jacket We expect a number of people to start showing up here at the Cheney household. Don’t know yet whether he will try to Canada Goose Jackets maintain some semblance of a work day and go down to the offices in downtown Dallas, the Halliburton offices. We expect to learn that shortly.

Charles canada goose uk black friday Zewe, CNN, live, Dallas.

ZEWE: Well, yesterday, Daryn, when he was still the titular head of the search committee, wasn’t the nominee apparent, he had very little to say other than, you know, the usual pleasantries of «good morning, I’ve got to get to work,» that kind of thing.