«We just wish he’d carry himself a little differently. You understand?»I did, but I didn’t.I do now.All that pre fight bravado and buffoonery vanishes after the ending of a McGregor fight, though. In losing to Mayweather, McGregor was again gracious and respectful. Yes, I had some tough times in my career. I had some great times as well. In the end, I can control what people say. Known simply as The Met, this iconic museum on the eastern side of Central Park is so enormous you’ll be overwhelmed if you don’t narrow your focus. The collection features Greek, Roman, African, ancient Egyptian and Byzantine galleries, as well as modern American art, and paintings and sculptures of the European masters everyone from Rembrandt and Vermeer, to Van Gogh and Picasso. There are also musical instruments, costumes, antique weaponry and body armour.

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