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Below, between the lower skirts of the town and a sea so clean that the beach regularly features as one of Italy’s ‘Bandiera Blu’ environmentally virtuous resorts, lie the centuries old olive groves that give this part of the coast such an archaic Mediterranean feel. It’s one of those places where you fully expect to

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They said she dressed older than her age

Residents in the neighborhood where the abandoned trailer stands known as the Quarters said the victim had been visiting various friends there for months. They said she dressed older than her age, wearing makeup and fashions more appropriate to a woman in her 20s. She would hang out with teenage boys at a playground, some

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Keith McCormac (23)Glass Robot StudiosMobile games boss Keith McCormac co founded Glass Robot Studios straight out of college with three other college pals. McCormac, who holds a first class honours BSc in Computer Science from Dublin Institute of Technology, launched his first game earlier this year called Blake Justice: Project Hero. The game is described

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«Macedonia’s status as a reliable partner in global

Some critics have accused drug manufacturers of hyping these dates to encourage more drug sales. Goldhammer implies that some drugs may be OK longer than noted, but the manufacturers have not done, say, a 10 year study of how long the drug is good. His old team mate Fitzmaurice exemplifies the truism that a team

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This series has been great at gradually pushing and his next nemesis into each other’s orbit over the last few episodes. The unsettling Monk Adderley has been slowly circling like a shark that smells blood, first making nice with Elizabeth, then Caroline, then his nephew Geoffrey, encouraging his hard partying and other vices. Getting closer

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A host of international players

Cafe Coffee Day, which is owned by an Indian coffee conglomerate based in the southern city of Bangalore, has around 1,350 outlets and is the current market leader. A host of international players, like Gloria Jean Costa Coffee and Coffee Bean Tea Leaf, are already scrambling to catch up. Dunkin Donuts also debuted this year,

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