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Before he boldly declared himself the head of Earth’s new monarchy, James Cameron wasn’t above engaging with the fans specifically, the ones who friggin’ hated Aliens. Though it seems surprising now, given that Aliens is regarded as one of the greatest sequels of all time, back then, some audiences took issue with discrepancies between the

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While new home sizes have dipped slightly during the recession

Over half of the 460 houses are in the City of Los Angeles (El Sereno community) where the freeway was proposed to go, near the Alhambra border. Please correct this omission so that the El Sereno community doesn get ignored again which would have suffered the most by this now dead 710 freeway and would

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«Even if what these people are doing is technically lawful

«I make no apology for describing these people as basement building btards,» he tells Britain’s Independent on Sunday. «Even if what these people are doing is technically lawful, they are destroying decent residential areas. This is a behaviour so antisocial that action clearly now needs to be taken to bring the perpetrators to justice.. Canada

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That way, more cash would be available for other building

To ensure that there was enough money, the racetrack in the Meadowlands was allowed to keep 12 percent of each dollar bet as opposed to 5 percent at other tracks in New Jersey. That way, more cash would be available for other building projects and any excess would be sent to the state. Pegasus, the

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He was out with pals including former Manchester United team

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