The result of such a conflict depends on where the story lies on the Sliding Scale of Idealism vs. Cynicism. At the idealistic end, both sides will eventually realize that fighting is futile and end up putting aside their differences to learn from each other and make a new and better world. At the centre, one side usually ends up crushing the other; this brings about peace, but of a hollow, depressing kind, as a faction with noble ideals has been destroyed. At the cynical end, both sides gradually become more extremist and less sympathetic as the war drags on until eventually the stronger side utterly defeats the other, leading to harsh oppression (and/or elimination) of anyone who holds the weaker faction’s views, which eventually results in the stronger side writing history books painting them as the noble heroes triumphant against the evil dissidents who threatened their ways. That, or both parties simply end up destroying each other, so no one wins in the end.

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