GE backlog has grown consistently in recent, when you see a trend, year over year, repeating itself, there a business management issue. Eventually, that got to change, said Oliver Pursche, president of Gary Goldberg Financial Services, which owns GE shares.Fairfield, Connecticut based GE said it earned $3.53 billion, or 34 cents per share, in the first quarter, compared with $3.03 billion, or 29 cents per share, a year earlier.Excluding one time items, profit was 35 cents per share, matching analysts average forecast, according to Thomson Reuters I/B/E/S.DIVIDEND GE sold its remaining 49 percent stake in NBC Universal in February and then announced it would use cash from the sale to fund $18 billion in buybacks and dividend payouts this year.The $18 billion figure includes $10 billion of shares the company plans to buy back and GE dividend, which the company hiked in December by 12 percent to 19 cents per share quarterly.The NBC sale helped GE cash balance jump to $138.1 billion from $125.9 billion in the fourth quarter of 2012. The rise has led some investors to hope for yet another dividend hike.expect it (any dividend increase) to go from 19 cents to 21 cents.

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