Questions Being Raised On How Shooter Got Into YouTube’s Building

canada goose outlet store quebec We’re learning more about cheap Canada Goose the woman who opened Canada Goose Outlet fire yesterday at YouTube’s headquarters in the town of San Bruno just south of San Francisco. She wounded three people before killing herself. NPR’s Nathan Rott joins buy canada goose jacket cheap us now from San Bruno. And, Nate, first tell us a little more buy canada goose jacket about the shooter, her name and why police think she did this. Granted, it’s still early in their investigation, but the San Bruno Police Department say they haven’t found any relationship canada goose black friday sale between the shooter, who’s been identified as 39 Canada Goose Online year old Nasim Aghdam and any of the victims. canada goose outlet They don’t know if that means she was just shooting randomly at people. Now, remember, this happened in an open courtyard at YouTube’s headquarters during uk canada goose lunch. So there were a lot of people outside eating. canada goose outlet store quebec

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canada goose coats uk ROTT: Well, so Aghdam’s family reported her as canada goose clearance sale missing in Southern California a couple of days Canada Goose Jackets ago. In the early morning hours the day of the shooting, a police unit in the Bay Area, which is about a half hour south of YouTube’s headquarters, found her sleeping canada goose uk black friday in her car. That police unit says she did not act suspiciously or appear to be a threat. They talked to her for 20 minutes. They called her family to report that they had found her after. And in a later cheap canada goose uk conversation, Aghdam’s father mentioned that she was upset with YouTube, which might be why she was up there. He did not seem Canada Goose Parka worried, though, the police say, so they had no reason canada goose uk outlet to suspect anything. Aghdam’s mother was crying, and her brother told one of the reporters that he did not know she owned a gun. Family and friends at that house also told our colleagues that Aghdam blamed YouTube for all of the troubles uk canada goose outlet in her canada goose factory sale life. canada goose coats uk

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canada goose jacket outlet uk ROTT: So not many people at from YouTube are talking right now, but a lot of these tech companies have these sort of open style campuses like YouTube’s. And reporters talk today asked San Bruno Police Chief Ed Barberini if there should have been more security on site. canada goose store Let’s hear from him. canada goose jacket outlet uk

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