Also in Chapter 10 in the Cordonian Palace dining room is a portrait of Queen Kenna. Book 2 Chapter 11 has Cassandra and Ana from Most Wanted sitting at the blackjack table at the casino in read more here Cordonia. At the roulette table is Ryan and Alyssa. Book 2 Chapter 14 allows you to pay diamonds to see Katie and Trent’s early days as a couple. One of them has Katie being hit on by Cyrus from Love Hacks. Book 2 Chapter 17 has Nicole going to the precinct where Mirasol, Nikhil and Reza work to seek help finding Audrey.

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Canada Goose sale Cat Scare: Spooner is spooked by Lanning’s cat while investigating Lanning’s house. Chekhov’s Gun: Sonny’s denser alloy and lack of USR uplink. See Call Back. The sensor feeds run through the entire building. Everywhere except the service areas. Lanning’s hologram projector. «That, detective, is the right question.» The Deactivation Nanites. Chekhov’s Skill: The wink. Cloudcuckoolander: Spooner’s reputation in universe, due to his obsessive paranoia and prejudice towards robots. The Cloudcuckoolander Was Right: Spooner ends up being the only (living) character in the entire film to anticipate the robotic revolution, all while being ridiculed and berated for his «paranoid» and «irrational» behavior towards robots. See page quote above and I Warned You below. Close Up on Head: Spooner interviewing ‘Lanning’ at the crime scene. Cold Equation: Spooner was once in a car accident where both cars plunged into the river. The driver of the other car died on impact, but a little girl was still alive. When a robot came to aid the humans, it didn’t have enough time to save both and chose Spooner because he had a higher probability of survival. This event led Spooner to harbor hatred for robots as unfeeling machines, saying that any human would have chosen to save the little girl no matter the odds. Color Coded for Your Convenience: Sonny has blue eyes, whereas the other NS 5s have yellow eyes. Also, when VIKI takes control of the NS 5s and begins her takeover, the NS 5s’ chests glow red due to the uplink with NSR while Sonny’s chest stays white because he has no uplink. Computer Voice: All of the AIs. Conservation of Ninjutsu: One robot fighting an (admittedly unarmed) Spooner came really close to killing him. Dozens trying to kill him in the car after he’s lost his gun fail, and dozens more continue to fail after he’s deprived of his machine gun in the final battle. Contrived Coincidence: Subverted when Lt. Bergin muses how it’s a hell of a coincidence that Spooner has just investigated the only case involving a killer robot in the world. Spooner then realises it’s not a coincidence, and that Lanning wanted him on the case because he’s paranoid about robots. Gas explodes, you know Canada Goose sale.