Vintage Pierced Petite Rhinestone Dangling Earrings

We ship US mail with a tracking number. All replica handbags china items are shipped USPS first class insured mail. We try to ship within 1 3 business days once and order is placed. In most cases it is within 24hrs! However if something is purchased on a Friday after 2:00pm Central Time it will ship on Monday Morning. We welcome your business, if you need an upgrade or would like us to ship internationally, please convo us we will work with you to suit your needs.

Please note that international orders may be subject to customs or duties fees and are the responsibility of the buyer. Please allow time for international orders. I cannot and will not amend the value of an item on a customs form or declare as a gift. KnockOff Handbags It is illegal. cheap replica handbags Please allow a reasonable amount of time for delivery on international orders, many times it depends on each individual countries postal system. We do our very best to track all orders, and look forward to talking you after you order is received either by convo or by way of positive feedback.

Insurance: Wholesale Replica Bags All items are shipped insured through UPIC, the insurance provider that partners with the US Post office replica Purse when we select shipping method on Etsy. Your item is insured for the value that you paid for it. If you item arrives broken or lost (not delivered after 30 days) Please work with me to fill out Fake Handbags the proper affidavit to UPIC stating Replica Handbags the reason for the wholesale replica designer handbags insurance claim (example, broken, damaged, lost in the mail). I also Fake Designer Bags submit the proof of invoice and payment. UPIC is very efficient in helping settle claim.

We ship US mail with a tracking number. All items are shipped USPS first class insured mail. We try to ship within 1 3 business days once and order is placed. In most cases it is within 24hrs! However if something is purchased on a Friday after 2:00pm Central Time it will ship on Monday Morning. We welcome your business, if you need an upgrade or would like us to ship internationally, please convo us we will work with you to suit your needs.

Please note that international orders may be subject to customs or duties fees and are the responsibility of the buyer. Please allow time for international orders. I cannot and will not amend the value of an item on a customs form or declare as a gift. It is illegal. Please allow a reasonable amount of time for delivery on international orders, many times it depends on each individual countries postal system. We do Replica Designer Handbags our very best to track all orders, and look forward to talking you after you order is received either by convo or by way of positive feedback.

Insurance: All items are shipped insured through UPIC, the insurance provider that partners with the US Post office when we select shipping method on Etsy. Your item is insured for the value that you paid for it. If you item arrives broken or lost (not delivered after 30 days) Please work with me to fill out the proper affidavit to UPIC stating the reason for the insurance claim (example, broken, damaged, lost in the mail). I also submit the proof of invoice and payment. UPIC is very efficient in helping settle claim.

All of our items ship in a gift box, with a handmade gift tag. Because so many of our items are vintage and have small stones, all pieces of jewelry ship in a clear plastic bag, on the off chance that they are jostled during shipping and handling we would never want a stone to come loose and be lost in the box. Items are also frequently wrapped in bubble wrap inside the gift Handbags Replica box, to give it extra cushion. We want every item to arrive to you in a beautiful condition

If you are local to the Chicago area, we are happy to do personal shopping meet ups, if you know someone who is looking to consign an estate or liquidate one please let us know, we will be happy to help you. We have 15 years experience in the high quality replica handbags personal shopping industry and have been working with Chicago clients of all ages, and styles for years.

Just because something is pre loved doesn’t mean it isn’t fabulous! We select our pieces based on condition and desirability. All of the items in our curated collection are Replica Bags in excellent vintage condition, meaning they show little to no signs of wear. We do not sell items damaged or broken. Some items do show light signs of normal wear, flaws are always noted in our descriptions. Silver items may have a slight patina or darkening. To many collectors, the patina is very desirable. All items in our collection receive a professional cleaning or polishing however we do not alter our vintage, you are buying something special, unique, and collectible.

Vintage and Designer Jewelry pieces are special. Rhinestones should never be submersed in jewelry cleaner. A light polishing with a soft cloth often bring a piece back to life. Sterling Silver should be polished with a sterling silver polishing cloth. It is important to be mindful Replica Bags Wholesale when spraying perfume Designer Fake Bags or hair care products to not spray them on necklaces or earrings. It is also important to remove bracelets and rings when washing hands or applying lotion to protect your pieces. We recommend storing replica handbags online your pieces away from moisture or damp conditions. When not in use it is recommended to store your items in a jewelry box or pouch.

Vintage Meet Modern guarantees that all items sold on our site are 100% authentic. aaa replica designer handbags All of our items are inspected and go through a rigorous authenticity test process before being sold online.

Gemstone Jewelry is tested with best replica handbags a presidium gem tester. Please note, we will purse replica handbags confirm type of stone or material but our gem tester does not differentiate between natural and man made gemstones.

Sterling and Designer Replica Bags Gold Jewelry is also tested.

Hallmarks and Designer Signed Pieces are always photographed and documented as part of our descriptions.

Veronica has worked in the retail and fashion industry for 20 years. She has worked as personal shopper, interior designer, and stylist. Vintage Meet Modern was born in 2011 as an Etsy Shop. Vintage Meet Modern participates in personal appearances and pop up shops all over the Midwest, and has worked with many clients from all over the globe. Please sign up for our newsletter or visit us on our Blog on Instagram for information on our newest finds, beauty and life style tips, and of course, great vintage and designer jewelry.