Tax Reform Ads As Potential Warning Shot

WASHINGTON As House Republicans get ready to release the details of their tax reform proposal on Wednesday, moncler sale outlet rank and file GOP members spent Tuesday morning learning what consequences might befall them if they don’t get onboard.

moncler outlet store During a closed door meeting with House GOP members on Tuesday, Speaker Paul Ryan (R Wis.) let American Action Network’s executive director, Corry Bliss, present members with three different ads that the tax exempt, 501(c)4 organization has been running in some districts and might run in their districts, with a slightly different tone, depending on how upcoming legislative battles go. moncler outlet store

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Another member raised the point that ads imploring voters to moncler outlet online call congressional offices don’t really come off as positive, while another GOP member called the whole presentation «kind of creepy.»

«Since when do you let some outside PAC come in and talk?» the member asked.

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cheap moncler outlet Most of the members HuffPost talked to would only speak on background, citing a fear of retaliation from the group and the fact that conference meetings are supposed to be off the record. And many of the most hardline conservatives who might be offended by the presentation were not in attendance, as GOP conference meetings held at the Republican National Committee building are typically consumed with updates on who is paying their dues to the National Republican Congressional Committee, and who is not. (Conservatives generally belong to the latter category.) cheap moncler outlet

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«They’ve already run ads against me,» Rep. Raul Labrador (R Idaho) said, adding that he wasn’t worried about them coming after him. «I become more popular when they advertise [against me] in my district.»

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moncler outlet AAN did run ads against some conservatives in 2015, dinging certain members cheap moncler outlet for voting against a Department of Homeland Security funding bill. At the time, leadership said they had nothing to do with that decision, even though then Speaker John Boehner (R Ohio) had his former chief of staff, Barry cheap moncler Jackson, on the board of AAN. One of Boehner’s spokesmen even cited moncler sale the fact buy moncler jackets that, legally, members of Congress are prohibited from coordinating with PACs. moncler outlet

Political parties and candidates aren’t supposed to coordinate campaign strategy with outside groups like AAN. But the actual campaign finance laws are rather loose when it comes to moncler outlet store coordination. In this case, the timing and the nature of ads would not be a breach of the coordination rules, according to Stephen Spaulding, a campaign finance lawyer with the nonpartisan group Common Cause.

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As it stands now, however, some members just saw it as a speaker endorsed threat to not mess up the GOP’s tax reform proposal.

cheap moncler coats Again, none of the three ads that AAN showed the conference were negative. But some members told HuffPost that the suggestion seemed to be that the tone of the ad could change if members started opposing tax reform. And the three ads did, in fact, have different endings. The one for Bost, according to a member present, just told voters to call his office, with no mention of where he stands. Another ad this one for Rep. Barbara Comstock (R Va.) implored viewers to «thank Congresswoman Barbara Comstock for Moncler Outlet fighting to cut taxes for working families.» And a third ad this time for Democratic Rep. Tim Ryan of Ohio said «top Democrats agree» with simplifying the tax code. cheap moncler coats

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But other than an ad with a questionable tone for a Democrat, Republicans mostly seemed to interpret the AAN presentation positively. Bliss said the groups was pouring $100 million behind the speaker’s agenda, and many rank and file Republicans took that as a good sign.

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moncler jacket sale An AAN spokeswoman said it was normal for the group to brief lawmakers something the NRCC said had happened before, though most members said their involvement in conference meetings was highly unusual and the AAN spokeswoman said the group had repeatedly stated it would not spend «one dollar attacking Republicans.» moncler jacket sale

Speaker Ryan’s office directed HuffPost to the speaker’s political operation, which did not return a request for comment, but members did seem to generally moncler outlet sale think the idea that Ryan was threatening potential troublemakers was laughable.