Series finds its footing

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That’s a lot of plot. And yet it feels manageable in part because there’s also humor here and importantly, that humor feels so human. These last three episodes, it seems like «The Chi» has finally found its footing, and it is the little absurdities that always catch my attention. When Trice shows up at Reg’s house and asks for a beverage and he’s handed a juice box? And then drinks it? Oh my God. And the scary and graphic beating that follows? One minute he has the dainty straw of that juice box in his hands, the next they’re balled up into fists wreaking havoc on Reg’s face. It’s just an incredible series of conflicting images and that’s moncler mens jackets not a complaint. It think it makes those moments all the more complicated.

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That said, I understand what prompted Reg moncler outlet sale to go after Q. After all, he had warned Trice about going after Quentin (Mr. I Run $! only to have his concerns rebuffed, only to have the older man bite their organization. How is this not Trice’s fault?

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cheap moncler jackets NM: I’m so glad Tracy is seeking out connections with people who understand what she’s feeling, even if the scene itself didn’t do much to develop her as a character (of the show’s female characters, she and Jerrika remain the least fully formed). But like you, I was struck by the reality that some deaths are deemed more tragic than others especially by those of us in the media, who are choosing how we frame these stories. cheap moncler jackets

I liked the frankness of the women in the group. They’re not giving each other phony baloney platitudes. Instead Tracy’s informed: «There’s a lot of raw nerves up in here, so if you lookin’ for hugs or somebody moncler sale to tell you it’s going to be all right this is the wrong place to be.» And yet there is still room for jokes, like when they ask her if she wants some coffee and then playfully inform her: «Good, bring some next time ‘cause we ain’t got none here.»

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NM: It feels like we’ve been watching Ronnie slowly dying spiritually and now literally. Ending up at Meldrick’s is a sign moncler outlet store of just how alone in the world he really is. Earlier this season we talked about the fact that too often these men have no one to talk to. For Ronnie, cheap moncler outlet I think this isolation is becoming something more than temporary. And he’s feeling it the hardest.

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NM: By the way, if Sonny is indeed cheap moncler sale gone for good, I will always fondly remember him for that monologue a while back about the flavor value of recycled fried chicken oil, and then this week sitting across from his brother drinking antacid straight from the bottle I’ve been there too, Sonny!

Can we talk about the scenes at the roller rink? Because 1) I love that Kevin and the boys are (mostly) allowed to just have kid concerns that night (obviously Jake’s beef with a classmate sours that a bit) and 2) What do we make of Kevin’s competing interactions with both Andrea and Maisha?

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Some predictions: Brandon starts working with his friend on the taco cheap moncler jackets food truck, starting on a new dream that apparently won’t involve Jerrika.

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