Unlike most millennials

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It old news that university debts and rocketing housing costs are common concerns for people born between the early 1980s and the early 2000s, living in the US, the UK and many other countries. Multiple studies suggest this group will be the first in recorded history to end up poorer than those which came before.

cheap moncler Best known for its Viking history, snow moncler mens jackets sports and jaw dropping fjords, Norway is making a new name for itself as the only major economy in Europe where young people are getting markedly richer. cheap moncler

cheap moncler outlet People in their early thirties in Norway have an average annual disposable household income of around 460,000 kronor (around $56,200). cheap moncler outlet

Young Norwegians have enjoyed a 13% rise in disposable household income in real terms compared to Generation X (those born between Cheap Moncler Jackets 1966 and 1980) when they were the same cheap moncler outlet age. These startling figures come from the largest comparative wealth data set in the world, the Luxembourg Income Database, and were analysed in a recent report on generational incomes for the UK Think Tank The Resolution Foundation.

View image of (Credit: Maddy Savage)

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lucky situation a rare scorching day in the Norwegian capital Oslo, it not difficult to find young locals who embody the country good fortunes.

don really think about how I spend my money, says Aleksander Aarnes, a 25 year old graduate.

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Aarnes hourly pay starts at 164 Norwegian kronor (around $20), increasing for weekend and evening shifts. After taxes (which are comparatively high in Scandinavia) he left with around 14,000 kronor ($1700) a month, of which he sets aside half for rent, travel and bills and uses the rest for else he likes.

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View image of (Credit: Maddy Savage)

What Norway doing differently?

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Last year it came top of the 2017 Legatum Prosperity Index, which analyses 110 countries around the world.

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But as Hilde Bj an economics professor based at BI Norwegian Business school in Oslo explains, it is not just how much money Norway makes that significant, but what it does with cheap moncler sale it.

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By contrast, Bj argues that an egalitarian approach distributing wealth between generations has contributed to strong life satisfaction and a lack of social unrest in Norway.

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