shankspeare u

24 points submitted 4 days agoNot trying to empower, just inform. Words carry meaning, whether some people are ignorant of the meaning or not. People looking to use a hateful slur will find one no matter what i say on the internet. We can destroy slurs simply by ignoring them and hoping they go away. If one word falls in usage, another will take its place, as long as hate exists. People looking to use a hateful slur will find one no matter what i say on the internet. Knowing that, I hope by sharing the history of the word, I can at least prevent anyone from using it Canada Goose Parka in ignorance and offending someone else.shankspeareIf you buyin I in! 2 points submitted 8 days agoI don think there anything wrong with nerfing jungle early game. As a jungler, the really frustrating part is how feast or famine the role has become. A ton of experience was shifted away from most camps, and a ton of xp and gold were added to canada goose black friday sale scuttle, a contested buff. What this essentially means is that the jungler who takes scuttle and gets ahead is able to snowball their lead, controlling the map and in some cases counterjungling, while the jungler who falls behind has very few Canada Goose Jackets resources to catch up efficiently, outside of leeching lane xp, which is something a jg should never feel like they need to do to stay canada goose factory sale in the game.shankspeareIf you buyin I in! 3 points submitted 8 days agoHonestly it seems less like the people implementing the changes are bronze, and more that they don play jungle at all, canada goose uk black friday nor do they understand the core appeal of jungle. They want to make jungle canada goose uk shop more about 1v1 skirmishes, but I don know a single jungler who wants that. If I wanted to 1v1 a bunch, I just play top lane. The fun of jungle was macro plays and staying one step ahead of your opponent and predicting their canada goose clearance moves. Now junglers have a fairly consistent path they funneled through so they can have a 1v1 fight at scuttle and the person with the more responsive laners wins the game (or if no laners respond, just the champion with the best early game). They added to the jungle, but they removed most of the strategic depth.shankspeareIf you buyin I in! 3 points submitted 8 days agoThis exactly. canada goose clearance sale The whole reason I play jungle is because I prefer the the indirect conflict between junglers versus the direct conflict of laners. It interesting to try and predict their pathing and counterplay based on that. The XP changes combined with the inter jungle fights they encouraging will basically just make jungle an even more snowbally role than it already was. The jungler who gets ahead early has always had more gank pressure and counterjungling potential. Now they also get control over the scuttle metagame and the jungler who behind is starving for experience with the few camps they can get.shankspeare 3 points submitted 9 days agoThey need something more like [[Frost Nova]]. Brrrlock is basically just a Glacial Shard with 1 extra health for 1 mana more on a debatably less useful tribal tag. Canada Goose sale The only way for freeze synergy cards to be viable is if there also an accessible source of multi target freezing. Freeze is already underwhelming, but canada goose store it even worse when every source of freeze is single target. For every opponent you want to freeze, you need to spend cheap Canada Goose a card. This is made worse by the fact that shaman has so little access to draw. Even if shaman freeze synergy were impactful, the deck over reliance on low cost single target freezing effects means it would burn through cards way too fast. 1 point submitted 9 days agoThat and Canada Goose Coats On Sale when the MC (or some other lead characters) is there own biggest issue. Steady Internal conflict or consistently being negatively affected by something tragic from your past is fine and not unrealistic, but it gets irritating to watch after awhile. It also irritates me when dramas move to slow with their plots. Issues that take multiple episodes to resolve with little breather in between is a turn off for me.If it helps, I dropped Nagi no Asukara because the MC’s attitude really irritated me and I got tired of how many of his own issues he caused. He got better, but not enough to be likeable. I also didn’t like Anohanna’s MC because it felt like he literally moped for almost the entirety of the series until the final episodes. But in that case I Canada Goose online liked his friends (unlike with Nagi) and felt there drama was more interesting/heavy handed, so I actually managed to finish it even if I only found it ok.But you make 3 gatsu sound different from those so I will at least give it a shot! 2 points submitted 9 days agoIn 3 Gatsu, the MC is certainly his own biggest issue, but the anime does a great job making his personal weaknesses seem like natural consequences of his past. In addition, I think the thing that will stop you from getting too frustrated with 3 Gatsu is that out of any show I ever seen, 3 Gatsu does the best salecanadagooseoutlets job having the MC develop, mature, and improve at a natural rate. So many shows feel really uneven, where a character just can get over something until the plot requires them to and then they make all necessary progress in one episode. It seems like Rei is constantly overcoming his flaws and improving himself, but at a subtle rate. 1 point submitted 9 days agoJJBA is a really well written and paced shonen manga with good character Canada Goose Outlet designs and a ton of crazy and interesting ideas. The anime is a pretty faithful adaptation, but if you go in with the wrong expectations you be pretty disappointed. The animation is honestly pretty underwhelming at most parts, so don go in expecting fluid action scenes with cool fight choreography. My favorite part in the anime is by far Battle Tendency, largely because the voice acting for Joseph really makes the character shine, and the show frequently makes creative use of alternate color palettes during this part, which keeps the visuals interesting. The anime for part 3 and beyond do a decent job imitating the source material, but the pace slows down a lot after part 2, and buy canada goose jacket cheap to be honest I enjoyed simply reading the manga for part 3 and beyond a canada goose lot more than watching the anime.shankspeare 2 points submitted 9 days agoThe way they changed Quest really bums me out. I liked the prep change you suggested, but what I really wanted was a change to the effect of crystal core itself. The biggest frustration to me regarding quest rogue was how little canada goose coats counterplay it has after the quest is played. I think if it buffed all minions in your hand and deck uk canada goose outlet (like keleseth), rather than just all minions all the time, it would have a lot more counterplay. As it is now, because it a static buff for all your minions, a ton of counterplay options like hex, polymorph, devolve, silence, sap/vanish, etc. are entirely ineffective. This change would allow these cards to canada goose coats on sale be effective, as well as preventing rogue from abusing return to hand effects or minion duplication with rush and charge minions. While your change would taken away some of quest rogue tempo, and blizzard change takes away some power, I think this change adds counterplay, which is, to me at least, the most frustrating part of quest rogue.shankspeare 1 point submitted 9 days agoI sure Blizzard considered the changes suggested in the thread, like «Your cards cost exactly 5 mana.» No matter what change they made, it would kill a use case for canada goose uk outlet Naga Sea Witch, so blizzard canadian goose jacket was forced to choose. Do they want to completely wipe out the Naga/Giants synergy, destroying the core of one of the most popular decks in wild (infamous and hated, yes, but still popular) or wipe out it viability as a ramp tool, where it has seen extremely minimal play, and, at least in ramp druid, is extremely replaceable due to the wide variety of available ramp cards. I briefly searched cheap canada goose uk google for mentions of Naga Sea Witch between its release and the effect change, and all I saw was a few posts about how it good in arena, a few posts experimenting with how it interacts with Aviana, the original card reveal, and set reviews. It honestly doesn seem like it saw much play. They went with the option that benefited the most players (assuming that most players using a giants deck enjoy playing it). While the nerf makes naga giants far weaker, it doesn entirely remove the core synergy of the deck, so people who really enjoy deck, regardless of winrate, can still play it. And before you say that no uk canada goose one actually enjoys the sea witch/giants synergy, consider that you play a ramp druid. Do you run Aviana? Do you like the feeling of playing Aviana, Kun, and then just playing every minion you can? Is the appeal of playing a bunch of huge minion in one turn really lost on you? While I don personally play giants, I have no doubt in my mind buy canada goose jacket that there are plenty of people who enjoy playing giants because of the core appeal of playing a bunch of cards in one turn, and not just because of the unfair tempo. Obviously its impossible to measure Canada Goose Online the amount of people who enjoy the deck for this reason, but based on the deck popularity, its surely enough people to warrant keeping the deck functional. Not strong, not viable, but just functional.

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