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1 point submitted 2 days ago

I not from the US so it not really like my opinion matters, but I don think a canada goose outlet uk lot of American quite comprehend how deadly guns are. Especially automatic weapons. Handguns, bolt action hunting rifles, and shotguns I think you should be able to buy with a license as use for hunting and sport but there no excuse to want to own a fully automatic / semi auto assault rifle etc. Also uk canada goose I think carrying a gun in public on a person should be outlawed altogether. That similar to how it is in the UK canada goose outlet nyc and we canada goose factory outlet rarely have canada goose outlet canada goose coats on sale black friday shootings

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This may have resulted in infraction points being added to your account. To see how many infraction points you have, message the moderators.

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c. Witch hunting, brigading, threatening, harassment, and targeting users is not canada goose uk outlet allowed as per official Reddit guidelines. Please see here.

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