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buy canada goose jacket cheap NEW YORK (Reuters Health) Less than half the claims in ads from top ear, nose and throat journals are backed by data referenced by the advertiser, a new study finds. buy canada goose jacket cheap

That a problem, some experts say, because such ads are known to sway how doctors treat their patients.

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The study jibes with cheap canada goose uk findings in other areas of medicine and stokes an already heated debate among editors of medical journals, the main lines of communication between doctors.

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But others say ads may help busy doctors stay abreast of the latest development in their field.

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Spiegel and his colleagues chose a sample of 50 claims from ads in four top ENT journals and sent them to five ENT doctors for review. The reviewers then compared the claims to the references listed in the ads.

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HOW MUCH MONEY DO THEY BRING IN? Dr. Paul Levine, editor in chief of the Archives of Otolaryngology Head Neck Surgery, said he has no role in reviewing ads, the revenue from which isn

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