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the surface it seems crazy to limit tests for people who need them, Dr. Robert Rushakoff, a diabetes expert at the University of California, San Francisco, told Reuters Health.

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Medicare currently pays for a maximum buy canada goose jacket of three blood testing strips daily, and private insurers only slightly more, according to Rushakoff, who was not involved in the new study. Those limits have stayed low because the strips are costly, buy canada goose jacket cheap about 60 or 70 cents per strip, he said.

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That minimum may need to be higher, especially for people with type 1 diabetes who are at a greater risk for low blood sugar, according to Rushakoff.

minimum testing is every time you eat, so three times a day, but most people would want to be checking at least 4 times per day, he said. Rushakoff also recommends to his patients check that they check before they exercise and before driving a car, which soon adds up.

are hopeful that future guidelines will better reflect our current understanding, from this study and others, Miller said.

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