A Look at Dark Stories for Children

by topher PeruzziThere are some fairy tales that are just not meant for kids. I know that sounds like some kind of an oxymoron but it’s completely true.

Over the last few weeks, I found myself having to do some serious research into some of the more obscure folk tales in order to gather some source material on a zombie short story (The Undead Rose, part of the Once Upon An Apocalypse anthology) based on some of the more popular fairy tales Canada Goose Online we know.

As I was working with zombies, I wanted to look for something that was whimsical yet innocently disturbing. There had to be some elements that could, using some Canada Goose Coats On Sale creative imagination, produce blood, cannibalism, and the waking of the undead.

I vaguely recalled that some of the most horrific stories ever told came from Grimm’s Fairy Tales. Most people don’t think that because they’ve gotten the scrubbed up Disney version of most of them. For example, Disney made these three movies Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, and Cinderella. We, as children, had seen these movies and know that the Canada Goose Parka princess falls prey to some evil sorceress or stepmother and is eventually rescued by a prince charming. And while these elements are consistent with their uncensored original stories, the original stories are so much more disturbing.

Snow WhiteThere’s been a resurgence in Snow White’s popularity over the last year. With the release of Mirror, MIrror and with the upcoming release of Snow White and The Huntsman, audiences are discovering that our beloved tales canada goose black friday sale are a trifle twisted.

Let’s forget our childhood and dismiss named dwarves like Happy, Sleepy, Bashful, buy canada goose jacket cheap Grumpy, Sneezy, Doc, and Dopey as the Disney made products that they are. Let’s think of them more like Gimli, Thorin, and Dwalin from Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit. That would probably be a little more appropriate. And let’s forget that Snow White is this character that canada goose uk shop wanders into the woods singing about upcoming princes and reduce her to a child like teenager who’s just old enough have started puberty.

Here’s the real story. A queen who wished for a daughter with skin as white as snow and hair as black as night gives birth to such a daughter and is so happy she dies immediately. The king remarries a woman who is so vain she asks her magic mirror every day if she’s the most beautiful woman in the land. The mirror truthfully tells her uk canada goose that she is until the baby, Snow White, reaches the age of TEN. The queen declares that the child must die.

So, she asks a huntsman to take the princess out into the woods and for him to cut out her LUNGS and LIVER. The huntsman takes Snow White to the woods and just can’t do it. He murders a pig instead and gives those to the queen WHO EATS THEM.

Snow White, a ten year old that’s been left to forage on her own in a dark forest, finds an empty house with small furniture and an already cooked dinner. The house belongs to a bunch of dwarf miners who take pity on the girl and grow to love her. The next day they all go back to work in canada goose the mines and warn Snow White to not open the door for anyone as her stepmother will be looking for her.

The mirror finks on Snow White, telling the queen where she is and that she’s still alive. The queen disguises herself as an old woman and goes to the dwarves’ house. Snow White greets to the old woman (queen) and accepts her gift of a poisoned comb. Snow White uses the comb and she falls down dead. The dwarves come home and canada goose uk black friday find her, remove the comb, cheap canada goose uk and she comes back to life.

The queen, thinking she’s killed Snow White, checks the mirror again and finds out that Snow White has survived. The queen tries an apple this time and uses the same old woman disguise to give Snow White an apple. Snow White asks the queen to bite the apple first. The queen bites from «the white side» and Snow White then Canada Goose online accepts the canada goose factory sale apple, eats it, and dies (again).

This time the uk canada goose outlet queen returns to the castle and asks the mirror again. The mirror tells the queen that she’s the fairest in the land again. The dwarves come back home and find Snow White dead (again) and put her in a glass coffin for a couple of years. A prince sees Canada Goose Jackets her and finds her so beautiful that he falls in love with the dead Snow White. He wants to bring the corpse back home with him (TO LOVE?). On the way to his castle, the dead Snow White has the poison apple bit shaken from her mouth and returns to life.

The Canada Goose Outlet prince is overjoyed and marries her. The evil queen is invited to the wedding. In anticipation of the evil buy canada goose jacket queen’s arrival, a pair of red hot shoes canadian goose jacket are waiting for her. She’s told to PUT THEM ON AND DANCE UNTIL SHE DIES.

So, we have cannibalism, necrophilia, murder, and torture. Good entertainment for a child.

CinderellaThe original title of Cinderella is Aschenputtel which I think is the German translation for «woman who has ashes on her face.»

This is another case when a mother dies and the father makes a poor marriage choice. In this story the stepsisters are not hideous as they are portrayed in the Disney film, but they are attractive as well. The step mother is still a bit of a rotten person, though. However, there is no «Bippity, boppity, boo» or fairy godmother.

The story goes that Cinderella’s mother, who is the wife of a wealthy man, is dying canada goose clearance sale and tells her that so long as she lives a virtuous life that she’ll be watching her from heaven. And she dies.

The father marries what can only be described as one of the most cruel and heartless women on the planet. He sits idly by when his new wife’s daughters (who are also cruel and heartless) make HIS OWN DAUGHTER clean out the fireplace. Then, because it amused them, the sisters would throw their food on the floor to have Cinderella clean it. When she was done, they’d do it again.

The father plans to go into town to buy things for the daughters. One stepsister wants a gold necklace, the other wants a silk dress. Cinderella wants the first twig to fall from a tree to touch his hat. The father canada goose uk outlet brings the twig back to Cinderella. She plants the twig over her mother’s grave and waters it with her tears until it becomes a huge tree. Cinderella would visit the tree three times a day and cry. A dove would fly Canada Goose sale to her and Cinderella canada goose store would say, «Mother, things have been so miserable since you died.» (The dove being the mother, I guess.)

The king announces that he’s going to have a ball. So the stepsisters want Cinderella to make them pretty. Cinderella asks her step mother if she can go, and the stepmother (to shut her up) agrees but only if she can pick up a whole bunch of lentil beans THAT SHE THROWS IN FRONT OF HER canada goose coats from the ashes in TWO HOURS. Cinderella asks the doves to do it and they do. She brings the beans back to her stepmother who tells her that she STILL CAN’T GO BECAUSE SHE HAS NO DRESS.

She cries and the doves bring her a dress of silver and gold with two golden slippers (not glass). She goes to the ball and the prince falls for her immediately, dancing with Cinderella all night. The prince at the end of the night wants to have her driven home. Rather than reveal her identity, she runs off. The prince sees her go to her yard and asks CINDERELLA’S FATHER if the canada goose clearance beautiful woman he saw was her.

Rather than be discovered and have this torturous existence end, she hides and covers her face with ash. The birds take her dress and slippers and hide them. The prince sees Cinderella and does not recognize her. The prince throws another ball. Cinderella comes back home with the prince, but at the last second cheap Canada Goose climbs a pear tree in the yard. The father comes out, cuts down the pear tree but Cinderella is no longer there. The prince goes into the house and can’t recognize her again. There’s a third ball, the same thing happens, except this time, Cinderella loses one of her GOLD slippers.

The prince shows up at the house and puts the gold slipper on the first stepsister. The stepsister goes to a back room with the stepmother and canadagoosejacketsaleca tries on the slipper. It is website too small her toe is too big. The stepmother tells her daughter to CUT OFF HER TOE because when she’s queen she’ll never need to walk anywhere. She then hacks it off, stifles the pain and shows the prince. As they are going back to the castle the doves sing, «She’s just a fraud. She’s not your bride. She hacked off her toe to fit inside.» The prince brings her back.

He then tries the same thing with the other stepsister. The same thing happens except she has to HACK OFF PART OF HER HEEL. Again, the doves blow her cover and the prince goes back.

This time he goes to Cinderella and makes her try on the slipper. It fits. He takes her back to the castle to marry her. At the wedding the doves fly at the stepsisters and CLAW OUT THEIR EYES.

Nice, huh. I’d loved to have heard that one as a child before bed. So remember kids, the next time you have a golden opportunity to escape with royalty to change your life, do anything you can to avoid it and go back to your canada goose coats on sale life of hell where you can be humiliated and live in unnecessary abject poverty.

Sleeping BeautyThe original title of this story was called Briar Rose. We call it Sleeping Beauty.

Personally, I thought the Disney version was just cooler. There was the knight and the sword, and the sorceress who turns into a dragon. It was awesome. The original story, not so much.

The story goes like this. One day a king and a queen lamented that they wanted a child. As the queen was bathing A FROG TOLD HER that she’d have a lovely baby girl. And we know that when frogs talk, their prophesy is inevitable.