Lost school days in Happy Valley

The combination of bad weather and a municipal workers dispute is creating a stressful situation for parents of students in Happy Canada Goose Jackets Valley Goose Bay, and causing the school board to come up with creative solutions to address lost school time.

Town workers were locked out in a contract Canada Goose Coats On Sale dispute last month, and school buses haven’t been operating for more than a week.

As well, the region has been hit hard by canada goose severe winter weather which has compounded the problem. So far this season, the area has seen snowfall amounts well above the annual average.

Roads unsafe as Happy Valley Goose Bay lockout continues, some residents say

The combination of the lockout and poor road conditions has resulted in a high number of lost school days for students canada goose store in the town, which has some parents upset.

Christine Saunders doesn’t believe it’s safe to drive her two daughters to canada goose clearance school.

«If it’s not safe enough for school buses to be on, it’s not safe enough period to be on, in my opinion,» Saunders said.

Saunders is not blaming either side in the canada goose factory sale dispute, but has anxieties over the class time that has been lost.

«Are they going to have the time to catch up?» she asked.

«Are Canada Goose sale they gonna get out the same cheap canada goose uk time for the summer to make up for the lost time?»

Beyond their control

Tony Stack, director of operation with the province’s English school Canada Goose Outlet board, said he is sympathetic to the concerns of parents.

«We share in the frustration that all of the buy canada goose jacket parents, teachers and students are having with this situation,» Stack said.

«It’s not possible for every parent to get their kid to school, and we’re trying to cope as best we can.»

However, he said the bad weather and municipal lockout are beyond the board’s control.

«Normally, after a weather event, we rely on our municipalities to clear the roads for canada goose clearance sale our schools, uk canada goose outlet and that’s not happening to the degree that allows us to put buses safely on the road right now,» he told Labrador Morning Monday.

«It’s a big uk canada goose concern, and the days are mounting,» Stack said, Canada Goose Parka «But our staff there are very creative and we’re hoping to make up what we can.»That creativity begins this week, with a plan to alternate school days canada goose uk black friday for topparka grades two and three one day, and Kindergarten to grade one Canada Goose online the next.

That approach is meant to reduce the amount of traffic on narrow roads.

Stack said it’s ultimately up to parents to decide if it’s safe to send their kids to school.

«Each parent has to judge for themselves whether each particular situation is safe,» he said.

«We recognize that families and parents are in the best position to judge whether or not their children can safely travel to school.»

Stack said that all teachers will continue to come to school, even if their canada goose black friday sale students aren’t there that day.

He said that once all of the students are finally back in the classroom, teachers and school staff will be capable Canada Goose Online of finding ways to make up for the lost time.

«Our staff there are very creative,» he said. «We’re trying to make buy canada goose jacket cheap up things where we can.»

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