CAP report revives focus on India

canada goose black friday sale Of all the reports I have read recentlyabout what the United States should do about Pakistan,noneso forcefully puts it in the context of its relationshipwith India as this latest study by the Center for American Progress(see the full pdf document here).

buy canada goose jacket cheap It worth readingnot least because thethink tankis expected to play an influential role in shaping the policies of President elect Barack Obama. point of view, itwon an allythat could be used tocontainChina. Now itlooks like the hyphen is making a comeback. policy must be formulated accordingly, it says. regional approach must address Pakistan security concerns with India, specifically related to Kashmir and Afghanistan. argument is fundamental, since it holds that the cause of instability in Afghanistan is in Pakistan, and that Pakistan in turn will never fully turn its back on Islamist militants as long as it believes itmight needthem to counterIndia. and Pakistani security, the Pakistani military continues to focus on India as its priority (It has done so since Pakistan was created in 1947, and perhaps even more so since 1971, when Pakistan was divided in two, when Bangladesh, then East Pakistan, won independence with military help from India.) Pakistani military overriding security concern since the country inception has been the perceived existential threat from neighbouring India, it says. pressure following 9/11, thePakistani security establishmentwent after al Qaeda. But facing growing Indian influence in Afghanistan, it left otherIslamist militant groups alone. These includedKashmiri groups like the Lashkar e Taiba and the Afghan Taliban. Pakistan military fear of an encroaching India, an Indian leaning Afghanistan and increased instability in Afghanistan convinced many in the Pakistani military establishment that they needed to maintain the Afghan Taliban and Kashmiri groups to hedge their bets. This thinking continues today. policy over the canada goose black friday sale last eight years. Not only do theyresurrect the link between India and Pakistan, but they also write of the need to broaden and deepen the United States strategic buy canada goose jacket cheap relationship with Pakistan just when India had got used to being the favoured canada goose store strategic friend in the region.

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Why would Pak army consider this report considering their diminished utility also a $20BN assets created for their officers, solving a kashmir issue means they can hoodwink their public anymore.

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To revert all the diligence done during the past Canada Goose Outlet 8 years will be futile for the US. I a little surprised though how the President elect could be so naive. To canada goose clearance suggest that the US should try to help resolve Kashmir is not only acceptable to India but also will throw canada goose uk outlet India ever more closer canadian goose jacket to China and Russia which I believe is not in the best interest of the US.

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