market investors get picky with Fed set to taper

buy canada goose jacket Federal Reserve to wind down its monetary stimulus have fled emerging markets in recent months, and while the impact of slow capital flows is likely to be felt for some time, some countries will fare much better than others.

An Canada Goose Jackets image of Lakshmi, the Hindu goddess of wealth and prosperity, Canada Goose Online is placed between canada goose uk shop monitors displaying share price index at a share trading market in the northern Indian city of Chandigarh August 29, 2013. central bank is expected to begin trimming its massive $85 billion bond canada goose uk black friday buying program as early as next week. That will mean canada goose coats fewer Fed created dollars sloshing around the global financial system.

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As a consequence investors hungry for the higher yields offered by emerging market stocks and bonds can no longer sink their money in the developing world indiscriminately, experts say. They will have to become much more selective.

For years, emerging markets have just had to Canada Goose sale sit back and watch the capital flow in. They haven had to try very hard to attract it, said Morgan Stanley strategist James Lord. they going to have to work harder. That means reforms. That was the worst four month stretch in more than a year for the stock index, which did regain some ground in recent sessions. All told, investors have yanked $3.3 canada goose clearance billion out of emerging bond funds since late May, according to Lipper, a Thomson Reuters company.

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Likewise, central banks in Indonesia, Turkey, Ukraine and India have seen the fastest erosion of foreign currency reserves since late May, according to Morgan Stanley calculations.

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less liquidity we will be more cognizant of which countries we pick, focusing more on their growth potential, she said, adding she favors Mexico, Russia and South Korea and is avoiding India canada goose clearance sale and Brazil.

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