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Canada Goose online 2 points submitted 5 days agoDriving around in cars, etc. causes stress to the animals. Just like whale watching boats cause stress to whales. Here the thing: Do you need to go on a safari tour? Will your life be that much worse if you never see a lion in the wild? Probably not.On the other hand, if you were going to africa for 3 days and had a list of activities that were available: Safari park, traditional meat restaurant, natural history museum, traditional artifact gallery. canada goose Safari park is not the most damaging on that list and I not saying I would never go to a safari park, Canada Goose Coats On Sale but I am against whale watching so if I could I would probably avoid safari parks too. Like /u/PristinePlankton said, there are merits to having safari parks. Some countries might not be able to keep them safe were it not Canada Goose sale for the income from tourism. Doesn mean we couldn be doing a better job of protecting the animals, though. Also doesn mean you have canada goose store to visit safari parks to support nature preservation. Instead of going to one you can make a donation to a nature Canada Goose Online reserve.duhbuhyou 4 points submitted 1 Canada Goose Jackets month agoInteresting. I jealous that you in a liberal area. And yes, canada goose uk shop I totally feel like I intruding on the «ladies only» parties. It feels so wrong being among uk canada goose outlet all these women, like I a guy who showed up uninvited. I made up excuses for why I hiding in my room/I won be canada goose uk outlet home during those parties to Canada Goose Outlet avoid being there (as WaddlePop stated too), but I hate feeling like my reputation is «socially inept hermit». I trying not to care about what others think, but that easier said than done. And since I not in a liberal area, I don feel comfortable coming out and possibly making tr my reputation instead. 1 point submitted 9 days agoJust a suggestion but why don you say you prefer to socialize in mixed groups/groups with both men and women? (using binary language because non binary would probably not be on their radar.)Like, «The party sounds great but I couldn go without inviting my best friend [male friend]!» Still would sound a bit weird to your roommate but she would maybe think oh, duhbuhyou is just a tomboy :)Also google [your city/county/region + transgender]. You never know. maybe you canada goose black friday sale will find a support group!HanginInTheCloset 24 points submitted 5 months agoAlso, I terrified to even have this up here. No one knows I actually considering transitioning, although many friends suspect and even joke Canada Goose online that I going to show up one day on testosterone. Definitely know I trans, the real question is what I going to do with that information.Edit: you guys are absolutely amazing. I thought when posting this I get cheap canada goose uk maybe one canadian goose jacket or two comments but boy was I wrong! This is why I love this sub, thanks for all the help, I really needed it. I canada goose clearance feel so much better about who I am and what I want to do now. 2 points submitted 10 days agoSorry to bump/hijack this thread so late but I am also questioning right now and it a bit weird/scary. And yeah, no one knows because I haven told anyone yet but when I was a teenager 22 years canada goose factory sale old my stepbrother often made jokes about me having canada goose uk black friday a moustache/being a lesbian/being uk canada goose manly (I am not sexually attracted to women in any way) and I have been remembering subtle feelings/experiences I had in canada goose coats on sale the past that are making me question my gender now. Like, being gendered as male online and being happy/proud about that.Anyhow, thanks for the post and hope you are doing well.Personally I like having long hair (metal AF!) so Canada Goose Parka if you interested, I found this short tutorial. it really clarifies how you can have masculine looking long hair! Think, Aragorn, etc.skier69 canada goose outlet uk fake 3 points submitted 13 days agoSure, vegans can be keto no problem, but that’s not our point. when considering the effects of a keto or any other low carb diet, you’re going to have high cholesterol, more risk of heart disease, and dozens of other health implications. Keto is absolutely not necessary for a celiac to be healthy and happy. It’s a diet that just happens to exclude gluten, something of concern to celiacs. Just because the diet made someone feel healthier or better than before (I say feel because we can’t be entirely sure if the individual was healthy on the inside; losing weight and having more energy =/= healthy).It would be like suggesting someone suffering from Parkinson’s disease or extreme anxiety take up smoking.If you are celiac, the best diet is cheap Canada Goose one that completely eliminates gluten, including trace amounts of gluten. This can be just as canada goose coats easily done on a vegan diet as a keto diet.evange 8 points submitted 1 month agoIt depends on how you do your laundry. People who use dryers canada goose clearance sale don need it (millenials are killing fabric softener), but for people who exclusively line dry it keeps visible lint down and prevents clothes from getting stiff as they dry.Arguably even if you line dry you still don really need fabric softener, but it does actually do more than just boost scent.Exclusively buy canada goose jacket line drying might be better overall than not buying fabric softener. I don really know. There are a lot of tradeoffs when striving to have the lowest impact possible, to the buy canada goose jacket cheap point where it impossible to know what really better or worse:Is it better to buy fresh tomatoes (which have a shorter shelf life, and thus higher transportation costs and a higher rate of spoilage) or canned tomatoes (less food waste, but more packaging).