Actor Forest Whitaker says fear of new violence in South Sudan growing

NAIROBI (Thomson Reuters Foundation) Hollywood actor Forest Whitaker said fear of an escalation of violence was growing among South Sudanese, while canada goose uk black friday speaking to refugees from the war torn nation which Canada Goose online the United Nations believes may be on Canada Goose Online the brink of genocide. actor Forest Whitaker walks off stage after receiving the Crystal Award during the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Canada Goose Jackets Davos, Switzerland January 16, 2017. REUTERS/Ruben Sprich

South Sudan gained its independence Canada Goose Coats On Sale from Sudan in canadian goose jacket 2011 but Canada Goose Parka tensions between its different ethnic groups quickly surfaced and civil war broke out in 2013 between President Salvar Kiir largely Dinka security forces and units loyal to canada goose factory sale his former deputy buy canada goose jacket Riek Machar, a Nuer.

The fighting has driven more than 3 million people from their homes, led to widespread sexual violence and uk canada goose outlet brought the nation of 11 million people close to famine.

is a growing concern people are thinking the conflict will escalate again, said Whitaker, who has been on a week long trip to canada goose clearance Uganda and South Sudan.

it won turn into a Rwanda situation, he told the buy canada goose jacket cheap Thomson Reuters Foundation, referring canada goose coats to the 1994 Rwandan genocide in which more than 800,000 people were killed.

The American Oscar winning actor arrived in South Sudan on Sunday to oversee the work of his charity, the Whitaker Peace canada goose black friday sale Development Initiative, which aims to promote tolerance among young people.

The charity has worked canada goose in South Sudan since 2012, using sports Canada Goose sale and film screenings to teach youngsters how to mediate and overcome ethnic divisions that have fueled the canada goose clearance sale fighting.

The actor interest in the region dates back to 2006, when he met Ugandan former child soldiers while filming Last King of Scotland in which he played the Ugandan dictator Idi Amin canada goose a role that earned him an Academy Award for best actor.

Last week, Whitaker visited South Sudanese refugees who had fled to Kiryandongo camp in Uganda, where he plans to start a peace building project in March for young canada goose uk outlet people.

Teenage girls told him their families were not allowing them to go to school in the camp, instead forcing them to do household chores.

are people having struggles, feeling hopeless because of the conflict, not being able to know who to trust, the 55 year cheap canada goose uk old American actor said in a phone interview.

became quite emotional.

Despite the massive challenges in South Sudan where most canada goose store people are canada goose coats on sale illiterate, six uk canada goose in 10 children do not go to school and culture often glorifies war, Whitaker said his programs Canada Goose Outlet have helped to make a difference.

of our youths cheap Canada Goose have even negotiated for the army to move out of schools and canada goose uk shop for the children to come back, he said.

could help to shape the world into a place where they have. life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, he added.