Shot Dead

Why could three police officers inside a buy canada goose jacket police station, not subdue a 17 year old girl without use of lethal force? Why canada goose coats on sale did none of the officers present attempt to give medical buy canada goose jacket cheap assistance during the six minutes it took for medical help canada goose black friday sale to arrive?

retief2000posted 3 years agoin reply to this

There are fundamental assumptions contained within questions. Perhaps the question that should be asked is why was this girl not institutionalized for her severe emotional problems and what was her family doing to help her. More accountability among the adults in her life, prior to a physical confrontation with the canadian goose jacket police, would likely have been more helpful. Just like Mike Brown and Trayvon Martin, the «victim» and the family escape scrutiny. They had many more significant and frequent opportunities to save her life, why did they fail?

Don Wposted 3 years agoin reply to this

Those are perfectly legitimate questions too, and I don’t consider you to be jumping canada goose uk black friday to conclusions by asking them. But the actions/inactions of others in this girls life don’t prevent us from asking about the actions/inactions of the police officers involved in her shooting, which is the immediate cause of her death.

I don’t think it’s fair to say victims in these cases escape scrutiny. It’s well known that the canada goose clearance sale personal characters of Mike Brown and Trayvon Martin were heavily scrutinized.

wildernessposted 3 years agoin reply to this

It doesn’t prevent asking such questions, but no one ever seems to. Yet they are the important ones what is wrong with our society that it «creates» such actions? How can it be canada goose store prevented? What is the Canada Goose Outlet root cause? Why do Americans have such disdain and disregard for the law of the land?

Solve those and we won’t see such shootings. As is, we just continue to demand police protection while bashing cops cheap canada goose uk for performing that protection. We want a crew of baby sitters baby sitters that still, somehow, expect them to provide us with the protection we want while we hamstring them and act outraged when they do their job.

It is alleged that she had a knife. Has that now been confirmed?

Was she on PCP or meth? I haven’t heard that.

If one police officer was Canada Goose Coats On Sale able to subdue her, like he did for several minutes, why couldn’t three?

Even if lethal force was warranted, why did no one offer first aid to her for 6 minutes? You know, see if she was still breathing, try to stop the bleeding, CPR etc. Are police officers not obliged to render first aid to someone who is injured, regardless of how they sustained the injury?

wildernessposted 3 years agoin reply to this

I don’t know if they are trained Canada Goose sale or not. canada goose clearance But how much training can we expect of canada goose coats someone? How many different fields can we expect them to be expert in? We already expect cops to be highly trained in protection and the law uk canada goose should we add mechanical expertise as well (is your car safe to drive?), building codes (are you building your home addition right?), EMT knowledge and child Canada Goose Jackets care, and mental illness with all it’s facets?

If Canada Goose Online «protect and serve» means being the god of safety they aren’t going to be doing much protection at all. I would hope that CPR is on the list, but uk canada goose outlet first aid for multiple gunshot wounds is probably beyond a reasonable expectation.

wildernessposted 3 years agoin reply to this

And is canada goose factory sale «pressure on a wound» the proper procedure for someone shot through the ribs and lung? Through the carotid? Basic first canada goose uk shop aid is not what is Canada Goose Parka often needed you are expecting these cops to be full blown EMT’s or doctors.

And yes, not being sufficiently trained is a very valid reason not to give medical attention, particularly for a cop the injured hates and will go after whenever possible. You persist in seeing cops and the end all and do all to every disturbed criminal in the country they aren’t. They are there to protect you, not Canada Goose online baby sit those that find attacking canada goose uk outlet a room full of cops a reasonable action.

«Controlling bleeding is [the] most important thing you can do to save a gunshot victim’s life. Applying direct pressure is the best way to control most wounds. If you have nothing available, even your hand or fingers can be used to control bleeding.»

Do you need to be an EMT to do that? A lot of people would do it instinctively through common sense.

I don’t see cops as the «end all and do all». I see them as public servants who are trained to deal calmly and professionally with emergency situations. In many cases that training includes basic first aid. canada goose outlet store locations I absolutely expect police officers to render first aid to an injured person, regardless of how that cheap Canada Goose injury occurred. And if there is a civil claim, then that’s canada goose what the Department’s liability insurance is for.

In the case of Tamir Rice first aid was given by an FBI agent after 4 minutes, which is bad enough. In this case no first aid was given until an EMT arrived after 6 minutes. I think it’s perfectly reasonable to ask why.