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My dear compatriots,
Dear African friends,

For a few days, following his statements on the unemployment rate in Côte d’Ivoire that would be 2.8% (equivalent to that of Japan and lower than that of Switzerland 3.3% of South Korea 3.8% and USA 4.2%) a flock of green wood continues to fall on Mr Sidy TOURÉ, Ivorian Minister for the Promotion of Youth, Employment and Service In a certain press and on the Social Networks, reactions and comments were not long in coming and are not over some greeted these figures with skepticism and accompanied them with ironical projections, others that acrimony disputes with the virulence and vulgarity of the remarks, found the opportunity to pour on the Government and public authorities, insults and < br> See, however serious and relevant it is, when a subject is approached under the effect of emotion and with a priori, it remains prey to the rantings of subordinates who end up pouring into the question of unemployment in fact, in addition to being an economic and social problem, remains a subject eminently So we will not add to the controversy and avoid to dwell on the plausibility of the figures given by the Minister, because having no reason to put them in. However, for the sake of pedagogy in this environment highly politicized where our fellow citizens, when they are not bad faith and / or ignorant, are hostages of the greatest manipulation, it would have been more useful and more relevant for the Minister, to keep under wraps, some of them. In fact, according to the International Labor Office (ILO), unemployment has a precise definition which means that in most African countries where the informal and the underemployed still hold an important place, many categories of are not registered ass
According to many economists and experts, any country with an unemployment rate between 1 and 5%, knows the full
In Africa and by way of comparison, Morocco records an unemployment rate of 11%, Ghana is at 12%, Senegal is at 23%, and South Africa is at 28% Hermes Replica.