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replica handbags online On the basis of philological evidence, Indologist and Pali expert Oskar von Hinber says that some of the Pali suttas have retained very archaic place names, syntax, and historical data from close to the Buddha’s lifetime, including the Mahparinibba Sutta which contains a detailed account of the Buddha’s final days. Hinber proposes a composition date of no later than 350 320 BCE for this text, which would allow for a «true historical memory» of the events approximately 60 years prior if the Short Chronology for the Buddha’s lifetime is accepted (but also reminds that such a text was originally intended more as hagiography than as an exact historical record of events).[61][62]The sources for the life of Siddhrtha Gautama are a variety of different, and sometimes conflicting, traditional biographies. These include the Buddhacarita, Lalitavistara Stra, Mahvastu, and the Nidnakath.[63] Of these, the Buddhacarita[64][65][66] is the earliest full biography, an epic poem written by the poet Avaghoa in the first century CE.[67] The Lalitavistara Stra is the next oldest biography, a Mahyna/Sarvstivda biography dating to the 3rd century CE.[68] The Mahvastu from the Mahsghika Lokottaravda tradition is another major biography, composed incrementally until perhaps the 4th century CE.[68] The Dharmaguptaka biography of the Buddha is the most exhaustive, and is entitled the Abhinikramaa Stra,[69] and various Chinese translations of this date between the 3rd and 6th century CE replica handbags online.