There are a high number of Sailor Moon fanfics that try to remove the canon lesbianism of Haruka and Michiru. Most of them just turn Haruka into an evil butch pervert who abuses Michiru and create a dashing Gary Stu to make Michiru heterosexual. The most infamous example, however, was cooked up by the notorious Save Our Sailors website, which actually used Haruka as the Fixer Sue and tried to pass it off as canon. Their story claimed that there was a Prince of Uranus in the past that was Sailor Uranus’ brother and Michiru’s past lover, whom Sailor Uranus passed her powers onto when she died and caused him to be reincarnated as a woman that still loved Michiru. Therefore it wasn’t really homosexuality because Haruka was really a boy. Cue Internet Backdraft and loss of what little credibility they ever had! (Naoko Takeuchi has gone on record saying that Haruka is not and never has been a man, but when has that stopped anyone?)
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