Coolguyzack u

Coolguyzack 2 points submitted 1 month ago

I agree, Bach is much more popular, but I also think Bach is the more familiar Canada Goose Parka of the two. While I wouldn dare discredit his brilliance, I will say I think a lot of his popularity comes from the god canada goose store like canada goose outlet status he achieved in in music education. He a pretty safe bet for canada goose canada goose uk outlet online canada goose uk black friday a recording or concert series, since uk canada goose outlet the players are canada goose outlet store more familiar with him, canada goose factory sale as is canada goose outlet toronto factory the audience they selling to. I don think this is canada goose a good or bad thing since I enjoy Bach also, but it canada goose clearance hard for canada goose black friday sale me to call Telemann bad because he less popular now.

Lately I’ve been really questioning what I want to do with my life, which I guess is pretty normal for high school. A year ago, hell 3 Canada Goose Online months ago I was canada goose factory outlet pretty set on being a musician, (looking at colleges and everything) and fashion was just a hobby, but now cheap canada goose uk fashion has become my main focus and I can’t stop fantasizing about someday being a designer or having some sort of clothing related career. However I’m conflicted because I’ve gotten so deep goose outlet canada into music that I feel lost because canada goose outlet online uk with music I just have canada goose outlet black friday to practice and get better but with fashion I have canada goose buy canada goose jacket cheap outlet parka to learn canada goose outlet uk sale how to sew/draw/network/etc. does canada goose clearance sale anyone on this sub work in official canada goose outlet design/ going to school / cheap Canada Goose etc.? I’d love to hear anyone’s story of how they started in canada goose outlet in usa this field and what their experience has been like

Coolguyzack 1 point submitted 3 months ago

I a Music Major in my last semester, and canada goose black friday sale I say it been a great experience for the most part. However, it drives you to canada goose uk outlet the point of hating your instrument and yourself. It been the biggest stressor in my life to an unhealthy degree. It been consistently rated highly in the most stressful college majors. And even if you the best of the best, you canadian goose jacket still probably find yourself really questioning it, and canada goose outlet sale what you want to do with it. (I been everywhere, started as a Piano Performance major, switched to Voice and Choral Conducting, now after I get my teaching credential I want to get a masters in Early Music Performance.)

So I say this, if you really canada goose outlet uk love music and you willing to endure what ahead of you, do it. If you have any doubt, Canada Goose sale I would strongly advise you to do the Canada Goose Coats On Sale design/textiles major (provided you have a strong portfolio), because you can always teach and perform music on the side, and not have to endure the stress lol

Coolguyzack canada Canada Goose Outlet goose outlet shop 3 points submitted 7 months ago

I say this as canada goose uk shop a lover and a student of Classical music, but frankly, I think a lot of it is just too long and boring. I don understand why we still need to have 2 3 hour programs.

I saw Carmen on Sunday, and I enjoyed a lot of it. But if I wasn a musician and knew a lot about music, beyond the hits like the Habanera, and Escamillo theme, I would be so unbelievably bored (Like my date probably was. My God what a bad idea). I could get a much much better plot and character development by watching a movie, save 1 canada goose outlet canada 1.5 hours, and still listen to great music through its score.

My point is, we could probably do a lot more to make Classical music more accessible to the rest of the public. But maybe canada goose outlet jackets the institutions would have to change though.

Or just accept that it always be canada goose outlet nyc a niche and just try to include it with more relevant popular genres

Hemutia 3 points submitted 7 canada goose coats months ago

Very clever topic! I like it. Any lead?

Last request, sorry for its weirdness: I know canada goose outlet new york city Canada Goose Jackets few composers from USA, yet I really really admire one guy, Ives and his symphonies, oh and maybe enjoy Copland Appalachian, but appart from canada goose coats on sale these two most of 19xx others are nothing of my taste. Any unusual entry?

(PS okay just heard one symphony by Hanson and I might be onto something there)

I will stop here because I think I could go on for ages for so many potential pleasure discoveries! Thank you everyone.

Coolguyzack canada goose jacket outlet 1 point submitted 7 months ago

Yay! Early Music! Protin (and his predecessor Lonin) uk canada goose were important figures in the expansion of early polyphony. Not too much is known definitively about their lives, but the book you referring canada goose outlet store uk to, the Magnus Liber Organi, was a collection of music from composers of the Notre Dame School Canada Goose online (a sort of grouping of composers working at or near Notre Dame Cathedral). Lonin and Protin compositions are found here, canada goose outlet reviews along with buy canada goose jacket many other anonymous compositions.