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Replica Handbags SubscriptionsGo to the Subscriptions Centre to manage your:My ProfileIt is Donald Trump’s own strange behaviour, and that of his friends, family and associates, on the Russia questions that has always been hardest to explain.Why does he so often act like he has something to hide? Why do they lie and hide their dealings with the Russians?Now that the evidence that Trump tried to meddle in the FBI’s Russia investigation is available for viewing in the advance copy of Comey’s prepared opening statement to the Senate intelligence committee released Wednesday it looks less and less like what he’d assured his core believers it was: «Fake news.»LIVE BLOG Comey testifies at Senate intelligence committeeRead full text of James Comey’s statementFormer FBI director James Comey will confirm on Thursday what was said to reporters by unnamed sources in May: that he has notes from all his conversations with Trump, some of them incriminating. And that they include the following details:In a one on one meeting, Comey felt Trump tried to get him to back off the investigation into former national security adviser Michael Flynn’s contacts with Russia.After that meeting, Comey asked Attorney General Jeff Sessions to never leave him alone with Trump again.Trump tried to get Comey to say publicly that Trump was not personally under investigation.Trump wanted Comey’s «loyalty.»This is still just Comey’s side of it. But the story is no longer attributable only to the leakers and anonymous sources that the White House has tried to discredit.It’ll be Comey in public, on the record, nationally televised Replica Handbags.